統治法語樂壇的教父-Serge Gainsbourg
Serge Gainsbourg 統治了法語樂壇二十年,在91年去世之前,他一直是法國人生活的標誌,他幽默,他放蕩,他不羈,他浪漫,他反叛,他是整個八十年代的縮影。 無法概括他的偉大,同樣也無法概括他的音樂,Chanson,Jazz,Rock,Funk,Reggae幾乎所有的曲風他都信手拈來,玩得獨到。更何況他不僅僅是歌手,還是作曲,作詞,導演,演員,甚至畫家,詩人,他彷彿有數個生命,重新剪接,隨意展現,讓所有的人同他一起遊戲時代。

serge Gainsboug原名Lucien juif askenaze,父親是流亡法國的俄國音樂家,從小學習古典鋼琴,在一次偶然的機會遇見當時紅歌手Fréhel後,他把對音樂的興趣轉向了傳統的法語Chanson。繼續閱讀

FR:Filles Sourires
As said before, Gainsbourg is like God: he's everywhere. Every month, there are new remixes, new covers, new expo's, a movie, etc. On the new, very versatile Le Tour compilation (part 4) by Thomas Bohnet you find Minimatic's Chez Les Ye-Ye's remix, only this time with slightly different (not Serge's) vocals. Still, a dancefloor stormer. Plus a cover of Initials BB, renamed Initials SG, done by Mademoiselle Olivier. A duo who like Serge, comics, James Bond, punk and Alain Chamfort. Nice combo.
Sky send me a fantastic version of Sea, Sex and Sun by Japanese cultstar Mari Natsuki. Seven gorgeous minutes long.
Scanning the blogs I found several remixes, two by Serge songs and a good update of The Operation by Charlotte. Put your dancing shoes on!

Mademoiselle Olivier - Initials SG
Mari Natsuki - Sea, Sex and Sun
Serge & Jane - Je t'aime moi non plus (DJ Apt One edit)
Charlotte Gainsbourg - The Operation (25 hours a day remix)

Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie & Clyde (DJ Apt One edit)

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