Label: 4AD
Catalog: DAD 1005 CD
Country: UK
Released: 22 Apr 1991
Label: Warner Bros. Records
Catalog: 9 45452-2
Country: US
Released: 07 Jul 1998
Genre: Electronic/Dream Pop/Indie Rock/Dark wave
This Mortal Coil作為4AD旗下最具代表性的樂隊之一(組建時間:1983,解散時間:1991),這張專輯被很多人稱為具有很高的收藏價值,“I've been surfing around amazon to make up a silly list of all-time masterpieces, and this is the first disc I checked up on”
樂隊的核心是4AD的老闆Ivo watts-Russell,所以嚴格意義上這並不是一個樂隊的一張專輯,而是集合了很多優秀音樂人的一張專輯,包括Alex Chilton, Chris Bell, Roy Harper, Gene Clark, and Tim Buckley, Caroline Crawley of Shelleyan Orphan, Kim Deal and Tanya Donelly of The Breeders, and Heidi Berry等等,專輯中的音樂也呈現出多種風格,記得一本書上稱這張專輯為黑暗民謠,更多的是稱之為Dream Pop和Dark wave。anyway,這是一張給人以不同感覺的專輯,唯美、陰鬱、脆弱、夢囈、安靜…
1. The Lacemaker
2. Mr. Somewhere
3. Andialu
4. With Tommorow
5. Loose Joints
6. You And Your Sister
you say my love for you's not real
but you don't know how real it feels
all I want to do is to spend sometime with you
so I can hold you,hold you
your sister says that I'm no good
I'd reassuerher if I could
all I want to do is to spend sometime with you
so I can hold you,hold you
friends fail every day
I want to hear you say
your love----believe
your eyes aren't deceiving
fears will soon fade away
smile now,don't be afraid
allI want to do is to spend sometime with you
so I can hold you,hold you
so let me whisper in your ear
don't you worry they can't hear
allI want to do is to spend sometime with you
so I can hold you,hold you
7. Nature's Way
8. I Come And Stand At Every Door
9. Bitter
10. Baby Ray Baby
11. Several Times
12. Lacemaker II
13. Late Night
14. Ruddy And Wretched
15. Help Me Lift You Up
16. Carolyn's Song
17. D.D. And E.
18. 'Til I Gain Control Again
19. Dreams Are Like Water
20. I Am The Cosmos
This Mortal Coil 資料小記:
應該說This Mortal Coil不是一個真正意義上的樂隊。作為一個成功的獨立唱片廠牌,4AD需要去嘗試和探索各種不同類型的音樂領域。作為This Mortal Coil裡最為主要的人物,同時也是身為4AD唱片公司的老闆的Ivo watts-Russell已不再局限於4AD的環境中,而是通過許多藝術家們的各具特色的風格去開創屬於4AD的靈魂和精髓所在,其中包括有Ivo watts所喜愛的Syd Barrett,Alex Chilton,Talking head,Tim Buckley和Gene Clark。
This Mortal Coil的首張唱片是於1983年,由4AD發行,Tim Backley著手的。最初被當作一張B-side,然而,由於有Robin Guthrie和Cocteaus Twins的Elizabeth Fraser等人那不凡的才華的支持,這張single很快就變成了還處於地下音樂派系中的一個成功的例子。
緊隨著,1984年,This Mortal Coil推出了他們的首張專輯《It'll end in tears》,其中收錄了由Elizabeth Fraser,Dead Can Dance的Lisa Gerrard、Brendan perry,Siouxsie And The Banshee的Martin McCarrick這些偉大的音樂家們共同演繹了Buckley,Alex Chilton和Syd Barrett等人的作品。
緊接著一個類似的版本也是This Mortal Coil的第二張專集《Filigree & Shadow》于1986年發行。
在1991年,This Mortal Coil又推出他們的第三張極具收藏價值的專集《Blood》。此時,Watts-Russell對外宣稱《Blood》將成為TMC的最後一張專集。在唱片裡有包括對Chris Bell的"You And Your Sister"由The Breeder的Kim Deal和Belly的Tanya donelly協力合作的優美的二重奏,由Louise和Deidre Rutkowski表現的The Byrd的"I come and stand at every doors",Syd Barrett的"late night"(由Caroline Crawley擔任演唱)和Gene Clark的"With Tomorrow"。
直至今天,Watts-Russell實現了他的允諾,This Mortal Coil沒有再發行過一張新的專集。但是在1993年4AD發行了一張名為《1983-1991》的4張大碟的特輯裡,加入了幾首在TMC的三張專集裡沒有被收錄的曲目。
和許多4AD旗下的樂隊一樣,This Mortal Coil猶如史詩般的那種絢爛,很多時候似被湮沒於空幻中,而更多給我們的卻是難以忘懷。
This Mortal Coil 所有專輯:
(1984)《It'll End In Tears》
(1986)《Filigree And Shadow》
This Mortal Coil was a musical dream pop project of Ivo Watts-Russell, founder of the British 4AD Records label. The project brought together key 4AD artists, as well as others not signed to the label, under an umbrella name. Among others, This Mortal Coil featured contributions from Howard Devoto, Colourbox, Dead Can Dance and, pivotally, Cocteau Twins. Between 1983 and 1991 This Mortal Coil released three albums—It'll End in Tears, Filigree & Shadow, and Blood—each of which consists largely of atmospheric interpretations of songs by 1970s artists such as Alex Chilton, Chris Bell, Roy Harper, Gene Clark, and Tim Buckley.
Two tracks from the first album, It'll End In Tears, feature vocals by Elizabeth Fraser of the Scottish group Cocteau Twins, who also recorded for 4AD. The better-known of these is the ethereal cover of Tim Buckley's "Song to the Siren", which created considerable renewed interest in Buckley at a time when his albums were not widely available.
- Dec 03 Wed 2008 01:27
硬地12 人世紛擾樂團 This Mortal Coil - Blood (1991)