Charcoal Records
01.The Hill Of Thieves
02.Johnny,Lovely Johnny
03.The Parting Glass
在蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭的社會中,最受歡迎的「別離曲」,卻是「The Parting Glass」。
由於年代久遠,「The Parting Glass」的作者已經無法查考,不過根據史料的記載,早在1770年代,就已經有人把這首歌的曲譜印製成傳單的型態公開發行,受到廣大的喜愛。而儘管「Auld Lang Syne」的出現取代了它的地位,它在蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭地區仍然盛行不衰,許多歌手或樂團也紛紛推出自己的錄音,例如風靡國際的愛爾蘭民歌團體「克蘭西兄弟」(Clancy Brothers)就經常在演唱會的最後以這首歌來謝幕。1985年,以「居爾特龐克」風格備受矚目的「波格斯」(The Pogues)合唱團曾經推出這首歌的單曲,其他包括「愛爾蘭男高音」(The Irish Tenors)和愛爾蘭光頭女歌手辛妮歐康納(Sinead O'Connor)等,也曾經予以灌錄,並且在演唱會中表演。
Oh all the money that e'er I spent
I spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas, it was to none but me And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
Oh all the comrades that e'er I've had
Are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I've had
Would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
04.Spencer The Rover (feat. Seth Lakeman)
06.Jimmy Mo Mhile Stor
07.She Moved Through The Fair
08.P Stands For Paddy - Lament For Johnny
09.The Verdant Braes Of Skreen
10.The Lass Of Glenshee
11.Fil,Fil A Run O
根據cara dillon官網的消息,新專輯Hill Of Thieves將在09年之前不會公開發售,歌迷只能在演唱會上買到這張唱片。
個人估計這個措施是用來刺激cara dillon演唱會的售票情況,cara dillon的演唱會收益基本都是由cara dillon及其經紀人獲得,而唱片則取決於唱片公司。面對市場,cara dillon近年的成績並沒有剛剛單飛時那麼好,人氣也受到其他同行甚至新秀的衝擊,cara 可能會在商業策略上有所調整。
Cara's highly anticipated new album is ONLY going to be available for fans to buy at her forthcoming concerts!! The new album entitled "Hill Of Thieves" will not be available to purchase in the shops or online until January 2009. Do not miss this incredible opportunity to own something before everyone else. As you can see, tickets for concerts this autumn are selling fast and some have already sold out.
Cara Dillon (born July 21, 1975 in Dungiven, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland) is an Irish folk singer. In 2001, she launched her career as a solo artist in the UK with the eponymous Cara Dillon album. However, Dillon had been pursuing a career in music since her teenage years, progressing through folk bands Oige and Equation and spending time working with her husband Sam Lakeman under the duo name Polar Star. She has also collaborated with artists from a variety of genres along the way.
Cara Dillon has a rare talent that you only come across a handful times in your whole life. Her staggeringly beautiful voice has the ability to reach inside the soul of a song and imbue material with not only profound sweetness but also poignancy and depth.
Born in Dungiven in 1975 she was brought up in a close musical family immersed in the rich cultural heritage of her native Co. Derry. Having won the All Ireland Traditional Singing Trophy aged only 14 she went on to sing with Oige, De Dannan and then Equation. It was in this band that she met her husband and musical collaborator Sam Lakeman. The combination of Cara’s expressive vocals and Lakeman’s rippling piano and fresh production squeezed new life into ancient material. Their original songs sit happily alongside the traditional, reinforcing the debt they owe, whilst pointing to a distinct and distinguished musical identity all of their own. It was Cara’s unrivaled vocal talent and Sam’s musical and arranging skills that have seen them signed to major record labels since they were 19. First, Blanco Y Negro (Warners) and then the enviably hip Rough Trade Records who released her 3 solo albums to date which have earned astonishing critical success and showered her with countless awards and accolades.
During the course of their careers they’ve performed to appreciative audiences the world over and have featured in some of the most exciting projects and events around. 2008 has seen the release of Cara’s first live DVD called ” The Redcastle Sessions” and the highly anticipated release of her 4th album ” Hill Of Thieves” will follow in January 2009.
Whether she’s singing her native traditional songs of lost love and emigration, or their original compositions, you will be hard pressed to find a more emotive and captivating performer. Cara Dillon is at the very top of her field and one has the feeling she’ll be there for a very long time.
Cara Dillon - After The Morning
Label Compass / Rough Trade
Release Date Oct 31, 2006
1. Never in a Million Years
2. I Wish You Well
3. Here's a Health
4. Brockagh Braes
5. Garden Valley
6. October Winds
7. Bold Jamie
8. Streets of Derry, The
9. This Time
10. Snows They Melt the Soonest, The
11. Walls
12. Grace
卡拉.狄龍(Cara Dillon)似乎只用了幾年的時間就征服了整個國家,這幾年她過得驚心動魄、大事不斷。她天生的性格擁有罕見的讓人無法抗拒的魅力,她能夠把宏大的故事融入歌曲當中,攝人心魄,她那包羅萬象的品質跨越了國家、文化、甚至是語言的界限。
她出生於1975年,來自一個愛爾蘭傳統音樂世家。她的聲音如此清透美麗而極具風格,讓觀眾們覺得相間恨晚。用這樣一句話來形容Cara Dillon不足為過:Cara Dillon是個不尋常的天才!
14歲的時候,Cara Dillon就贏得了全愛爾蘭傳統歌唱比賽冠軍。在開始她自己喜歡的事業之前,她和她的夥伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司簽約想做流行歌手,可之後他們發現自己並不喜歡做流行音樂。於是他們出了一張淒美的民歌專集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地贏得了廣泛好評。這股隨之而來的Cara Dillon效應讓她和她的夥伴完全轉型。而之後她所獲得的無數獎項更加肯定了他們的轉型。
《愛爾蘭音樂雜誌》:Cara Dillon冷酷卻富有感染力的聲音包含著她對家鄉的熱情和對國家的熱愛。
Folk Roots Magazine:毫不誇張地說,Cara Dillon有著極少數人才有的美妙嗓音。
《Q雜誌》: “愛爾蘭曾培育出無數奪冠的音樂家,但是即使是在這樣的星光閃耀之下,Cara Dillon也是他們中的一個奇跡——一位長著大大眼睛的玩玩全全的愛爾蘭人.Cara Dillon聲音的表現力遠遠超越了她的年齡,及具商業價值。”
《英國民謠雜誌》: “Cara Dillon,可以毫不誇張的說,是現今我們能夠聽到的最美妙的聲音之一.”
《愛爾蘭音樂雜誌》: “Cara Dillon的聲音冷靜中富有感情,充滿了溫暖的氣息和與生俱來的信仰。”
《韻律雜誌》: “如果有人懷疑傳統音樂的力量,那麼這張專輯會立刻讓你相信!詮釋愛情、離別和孤獨的歌曲從來沒有如此美妙過.她歌聲中的清澈和美好具有獨特的魅力——這個女孩絕對有成功的本錢!”
《生活傳統》: “她能夠從已有的標準曲目中發展出自己的歌曲,並且讓你覺得那就是專門為她寫的,這種罕見的能力就是她最關鍵的獨特之處.她的專輯所涉及的範圍和品質會令無數人震驚。”
《Time Out》(倫敦): “這位民謠新星的初次登場設計精心巧妙、感情細膩美好.繼承了冷漠的傳統.但是給觀眾帶來的感情衝擊卻跨越了國家的界限,讓她贏得了各國觀眾的心。她親切的聲音和薩姆·萊克曼的鋼琴結合在一起,共同奏響了絕世之曲。”
《星期日先驅報》 “.年輕、純粹的愛爾蘭血統、華麗.她的聲音讓人慨歎:此曲只應天上有,人間哪得幾回聞。”
《旁觀者》: “.Cara Dillon的每一個音符都飽涵感情與技巧”
《Mojo》: “.令人震驚的美妙聲音”
- Nov 24 Mon 2008 00:06
Éire 北愛爾蘭 美麗女聲 Cara Dillon - Hill Of Thieves