In addition to the very good Charlotte Gainsbourg news (below), I post this song I recently found. It's Manu by Renaud, sung by Julien Clerc, Charlotte and Francis Cabrel. They did it for the Night of the Proms-ish Les Enfoirés in 2001. Charlotte sounds very much like a young Jane B in this song. Francis Cabrel turns 55 tomorrow (Nov 23), congrats!

Cabrel, Clerc, Gainsbourg - Manu (live)

Manu - Charlotte Gainsbourg, Julien Clerc, Francis Cabrel

你或許也執繞著Charlotte Gainsbourg簡潔的專輯名《5.55》,相識在熬夜傷肝的夜晚,讓她在深夜的寧靜時分對比窗外呼嘯車聲而愈顯寂靜。說起她的身世可要花掉一長篇幅,不如僅提他的父親是法國音樂大師Serge Gainsbourg、母親是Birkin包取名來由之Jane Birkin,影歌雙棲的她在14歲就以《L'effrontee》贏得法國凱撒獎最佳女配角,更遑論2006年發的第二張專輯《5.55》一排聲名灼灼的support名單:Nigel Godrich (Radiohead、Beck製作人)、Javis Cocker (Pulp)、Neil Hannnon (The Divine Comedy)。

日前她不但出任了《Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind》導演Michel Gondry的作品《The Science of Sleep》(戀愛夢遊中)女主角一職,更擔綱演出《Velvet Goldmine》(絲絨金礦)導演Todd Haynes的Bob Dylan自傳電影《I'm Not There》,熱鬧之時,卻傳出她因為前陣子在美國一場溜冰意外的腦出血,在法國巴黎被迫送進醫院開刀。幸好醫生表示手術進行得還不錯,或許可以放心吧,人家可是還有兩個小孩哩。

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"Golden Door"

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