黃義達全新國語歌《I'm YiDA》。黃義達新專輯《愛了才懂》11月28日重磅上市,首波搖滾主打《I'm YiDA》由黃義達親自作詞作曲。
As he steps out from the subway
As he looks up into the sky
The sky looks blue
And reminds him that
Love has made him a fool
He doesnt want to recall a past
Which was so true
An anonymous babe
Who left him to surrender to fate?
His tears are yet to dry
For The love he feels, he cant deny
And every single night
He finds
Allowing him to seek a moment of consolation
He repeated it in his mind that she said
Shell understand him
But how long will it take?
He yearns for his love, his dear
And since you ask
How he views his love
Well, just like a Microscope
Awaiting for her return
To begin his grand finale
So ...Do you really know who is Yida?
我一個人過了太久 我空虛了
This is how I feel the way I feel.
離開了家好久好久 我心累了
This is how I feel the way I feel.
寂寞是最好的朋友 也接受了
This is how I feel the way I feel.
我看著鏡子里的我 孤單墮落
This is how I feel the way I feel.
我叼著煙躲在角落 我一句話都不想說
This is how I feel
我好想出去走一走 回味我從前的生活
This is how I feel
我一個人努力的過 我沒放棄也沒退縮
This is how I feel
我的朋友都羨慕我 其實羨慕他們的人是我
This is how I feel
我沒有太多的自由 我已經失去了自由
This is how I feel the way I feel
我唱著沒人要的歌 但我比誰都更快樂
This is how I feel the way I feel
我愛的人 卻不愛我 卻征服我 卻離開我
卻欺騙我 卻傷害我 卻背叛我
別再難過 就算愛錯
別再哭了 至少愛過
再抽一口 就往前走
This is how I feel the way I feel
the way I fee
我送你到你家門口 一轉眼就是十年後
我含著淚心不說痛 又怎能忘記我們吻別的時候
這些年寫著我的痛 每個音符都在訴說
我一直在這里守候 你是否聽得見我唱的每一首
請給我一秒鐘就夠 讓我唱完這一首
我已沉默太久太久 而歲月它從不留我
This is how I feel
如果是一場夢 別把我喚醒
讓我安靜睡 我不想錯過
害怕醒過來 不見你存在
無奈的擁抱 殘酷的實在
手上的玫瑰 刺在我手心
痛轉移到心 淚就往下滴
每一口呼吸 閉上眼聆聽
就感覺到你 深深愛著你
This is how I feel, the way I feel