One Nation On Each Side, With Cleavage 溝 Between (11/10/2008)
李妍瑾胸掛兩岸旗秀性感 擠歪高低乳不慎露餡
Li Yanjin wore this low-cut bright-red dress with the People's Republic of China flag on the right side and the Republic of China flag on the left side. She was asked about whether she was concerned about being criticized in Taiwan and banned in China. She said that the co-existence of both flags on her body represents cross-strait peace. She said: "I don't understand politics, but the economy is right now more important."
(Wenxue City)
Taiwan-China: One nation on each side with cleavage in between
Alternate explanations on the Internet:
- When both appear on the same person, it really means "one country, two systems."
- What cleavage? There isn't any cleavage visible.
- This is a congratulatory message for the success of the direct charter flights -- the left hand side is a mainland airport, and the righ hand side is a Taiwan airport.
Taiwan By The Numbers
(11/10/2008) (Mainland Affairs Council) (1,067 persons interviewed on November 5-8, 2008 by 柏克市場研究顧問公司Burke Marketing Research)
「民眾對第二次『江陳會談』結果之看法」民意調查 (民國97年11月5日~11月8日)結果摘要
「民眾對第二次『江陳會談』結果之看法」民意調查 (民國97年11月5日~11月8日)結果百分比
Q1. Do you support the use of negotiation between the Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) to help resolve problems occurring during cross-strait exchanges?
30.8%: Support very much
41.0%: Support
8.6%: No support
10.1%: Very much not support
9.5%: No opinion
Q2. The agreement will expand the four days per week "weekend charter flights" to a daily basis. Are you satisfied with the result?
25.3%: Very satisfied
45.0%: Satisfied
8.9%: Dissatisfied
8.3%: Very dissatisfied
12.6%: No opinion
Q3. The agreement increased the number of airports with charter flights up to 16. Are you satisfied with the result?
22.1%: Very satisfied
49.1%: Satisfied
9.5%: Dissatisfied
6.8%: Very dissatisfied
12.5%: No opinion
Q4. This agreement included direct flights which will reduce cost and time. Are you satisfied with the result?
34.8%: Very satisfied
45.6%: Satisfied
6.8%: Dissatisfied
6.5%: Very dissatisfied
6.3%: No opinion
Q5. This agreement included direct sea transportation links to reduce cost and time for cargo shipping. Are you satisfied with the result?
30.6%: Very satisfied
50.3%: Satisfied
7.4%: Dissatisfied
5.7%: Very dissatisfied
6.0%: No opinion
Q6. The agreement included food safety mechanisms to protect the people on both sides of the strait. Are you satisfied with the result?
23.9%: Very satisfied
45.1%: Satisfied
13.9%: Dissatisfied
11.3%: Very dissatisfied
5.8%: No opinion
Q7. The agreement included postal services cooperation so that letters and parcels no longer have to go indirectly through Hong Kong. Are you satisfied with this result?
36.1%: Very satisfied
48.6%: Satisfied
5.3%: Dissatisfied
4.5%: Very dissatisfied
5.6%: No opinion
Q8. Overall, what do you think is the impact of these agreement on economic development in Taiwan?
61.8%: Good effect
14.4%: Bad effect
15.0%: No effect
8.5% No opinion
Q9. People say that the arrival of ARATS chairman Chen Yun-lin in Taiwan to hold meetings has damaged our national dignity. Do you agree with this statement?
13.5%: Agree a lot
13.0%: Agree
46.1%: Disagree
20.8%: Disagree a lot
6.6%: No opinion
Q10. During the cross-strait negotiations, the top government officials particpated in the actual discussions. Do you think that this approach helps to resolve the problems that occur in cross-strait exchange?
19.0%: Very helpful
49.3%: Helpful
17.2%: Unhelpful
8.2%: Very unhelpful
6.3%: No opinion
Q11. Do you support further "direct dialogue between government officials" under the framework of the SEF/ARATS?
28.8%: Support a lot
45.9%: Support
10.4%: Not support
8.6%: Very much not support
Q12. The next cross-strait meeting will be addressing the following issues. Which issues are you more concerned about and want to see agreement reached first? (read list -- multiple choices allowed)
75.1%: Cross-strait exchange on public order (e.g. hitting against crime together, providing judiciary assistance; increase cooperation on food safety)
46.4%: Cross-strait financial cooperation (banking, stocks, futures)
57.4%: Cross-strait investment cooperation (investment guarantees, avoid double taxation)
51.4%: Cross-strait industrial cooperation (industrial standards)
39.4%: Cross-strait fishing cooperation (fishing resources; mainland fish workers)
44.1%: Cross-strait cultural, educational and media exchanges (students and media workers)
- Nov 11 Tue 2008 20:08
Myj Dynasty 40 台灣中國 中間有溝 一邊一國?