[CD/DVD Combo Deluxe Edition]
Alt-Rock/Post-grunge/Hard rock


★兼容80年代Hard Rock與90年代Post-Grunge元素的百萬銷售新貴★
★再度請到合作愉快的新銳製作人Brian Howes(Puddle Of Mudd、Closure)操刀★
★首支主打“Use Me”快速衝進美國主流搖滾榜季軍;第二波拿手抒情攻勢“Without You”鋪滿如同Aerosmith的激情音網,已引起排行各榜騷動★

在這瞬息萬變的搖滾樂壇中,一些懷念的音韻隨著波波復古風潮大肆吹起,再度勾起樂迷注意,料想不到會出現兼容80年代Hard Rock與90年代Post-Grunge元素的Hinder,異軍突起的衝破被黑人音樂佔領的主流排行榜,並快速站上國際舞台。

 來自奧克拉荷馬市的Hinder,當吉他手Joe Garvey和鼓手Cody Hanson在大學宿舍派對上聽見主唱Austin Winkler的演出,馬上就被震懾吸引住,邀約一起組團,接著第二吉他手Mark King、貝斯手Mike Rodden陸續加入,Hinder終告成型。受到Atlantic、Roadrunner等公司釋出善意簽約,最後還是選擇投靠Universal Records。2005年發行首張專輯『Extreme Behavior』,在美國狂銷三百萬張,其中透著鐵漢柔情的抒情小品“Lips Of An Angel”,躍居美國流行單曲+主流搖滾榜季軍席次,2007年馬上被鄉村界創作才子Jack Ingram翻唱,坐上鄉村榜Top16位置;接著“Better Than Me”,榮獲亞洲MTV「2007年百大熱門作品」第66名。

相隔三年之久推出第二張新碟【Take It To The Limit】,請到合作愉快的新銳製作人Brian Howes(Puddle Of Mudd、Closure)再度操刀。挑選出首支主打“Use Me”,溶解於狂躁吉他飆奏、厚實猛重的鼓擊裡頭,無比爽快過癮,衝進美國主流搖滾榜季軍;大量順暢音符堆疊的“Loaded And Alone”以及“Heaven Sent”,譜上充沛速度感,直頂腦門的快感不斷攀升;徹夜狂High的“Up All Night”,重回80搖滾的懷念黃金時期;第二波秀出拿手抒情攻勢“Without You”,碎心感傷的戀情令人動容,鋪滿如同Aerosmith的激情音網,已經引起排行各榜騷動;野性大發的“Take It To The Limit”,請到叱吒一時的硬式/華麗搖滾大團Mötley Crüe吉他手Mick Mars助陣,對於沉迷80搖滾的朋友,絕對會愛不釋手;“The Best Is Yet To Come”、“Thing For You”都是Hinder精心打造的抒情搖滾小品。但是,別被有絲嘻哈味的封面設計呼嚨了,他們可是正港的搖滾硬漢。

Product Description
This is the Deluxe version of "Take It To The Limit", Hinder's much anticipated follow up to the Triple Platinum "Extreme Behavior". This Deluxe contains BONUS DVD, FREE HINDER RINGTONE & WALLPAPER, AND PULL OUT PHOTOPAK" CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT

Austin Winkler(主唱),
Joe Garvey(主音吉他),
Mike Rodden(貝司),
Mark King(吉他),
Cody Hanson(鼓)

一直驚訝於他們的My space點擊率(超過6千萬人點播!!! ),2005年的首碟《Extreme Behavior》讓這支來自美國Oklahoma的樂隊頓時炙手可熱,一舉創下Billboard第六的好成績,06年的單曲《Lips Of An Angel》更是風靡。

主唱Austin Winkler的沙嗓是極具殺傷力,曾讓全美三大主流唱片廠牌在聽過Hinder的歌曲後爭相做出網羅的舉動。樂隊現效力於環球旗下,雖之前只出過1全長1EP,但這第2張錄音室大碟,也算好多人翹首以待的。

01. Use Me 3:49
02. Loaded & Alone 4:06
03. Last Kiss Goodbye 3:48
04. Up All Night 3:33
05. Without You 3:52 (超過2百74萬人點播)
I just wanna be alone tonight
I just wanna take a little breather
Cause lately all we do is fight
And every time it cuts me deeper

Cause something’s changed
You’ve been acting so strange
And its taking its toll on me
Its safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

Called you up cause’ it’s been long enough
And you said that you were so much better
We have done a lot of growing up
We were never meant to be together

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine,
Without you
Without you
Without you
Without you
I just wanna be alone tonight,
I just wanna take a little breather.
06. Take It To The Limit (Feat. Mick Mars) 3:11
07. The Best Is Yet To Come 3:22
08. Heaven Sent 3:41
09. Thing For You 3:59
10. Lost In The Sun 3:52
11. Far From Home 4:03

About the Artist
"Take It To The Limit" is Hinder's much anticipated follow-up album to their breakthrough 3X platinum smash Extreme Behavior. The new CD, Take It To The Limit, was produced by Extreme Behavior producer Brian Howes, Largely credited with reviving the `live fast-play hard' work ethic embodied by many of rock's seminal 1970s bands, Hinder blazed new trails in virtually every music platform the past two years. Their epic 2006 debut album launched three successful singles, including the multi-format #1 smash "Lips Of An Angel," earning a dizzying array of chart-topping honors. The hit song was also recognized as Active Rock Radio's most popular rock single of 2006. Extreme Behavior became a mainstay of the Billboard Top 200 Album charts for nearly a year and a half, endearing them to a diverse array of rock fans as Hinder soared to become one of the most successful grassroots-artist development stories of the decade. The band also conquered the digital and ringtone arenas, becoming the biggest selling rock artist in the history of the mobile formats, reaching a record breaking 3 million in ringtone sales thanks to their rock anthem "Lips Of An Angel," which was the scorching second single from their 2006 debut effort. The multi-format smash seized the #1 spot on both the Top 40 Pop Radio Chart and the Digital Download Chart, putting the Oklahoma fivesome on or near the top of multiple radio, video and digital charts. The across-the-board smash has been certified by the RIAA as the first and only triple platinum Mastertone in rock music history.

緩衝合唱團 偏激行為
Hinder - Extreme Behavior

Original Release Date: September 27, 2005
Format: Explicit Lyrics
Label: Republic

※全美三大主流廠牌爭相網羅 搖滾新銳潛近告示牌熱門潛力榜TOP8首航大碟
※首發單曲“Get Stoned”攻佔Billboard主流搖滾榜No.16
※「我聽到一首潛力十足排行勁曲!“Get Stoned”是我多年來聽到最棒的歌曲之一!」--美國馬里蘭州搖滾電台WZZO節目總監

來自奧克拉荷馬市的搖滾新銳Hinder/緩衝合唱團,由主唱Austin Winkler、 吉他手Joe “Blower” Garvey、吉他手Mark King、貝斯手Mike Rodden和鼓手Cody Hanson五位充滿抱負的年輕人所組成。他們企圖帶領樂迷體驗昔日即使墮落頹廢,搖滾、性與藥物仍代表著單純而不齷齪的生活插曲的舊時光。「我們希望成為讓聽眾再一次瘋狂愛上搖滾的關鍵樂團!」鼓手Cody如此表示。

五年前,當吉他手Joe Garvey、鼓手Cody Hanson在大學宿舍的派對上聽見主唱Austin Winkler的演唱,馬上就被震懾吸引住了。「他有著迷人的魅力和獨特的嗓音!」於是,志同道合的五位團員確定了Hinder的組團計畫;他們不願成為另一支缺乏特色的樂團、終日唱著憂傷沮喪的歌曲,Hinder希望能夠用自己的作品重現80年代的搖滾精神!主唱Austin Winkler用他蒼涼沙啞而充滿勁道的歌聲,為Hinder的歌曲注入了血肉與人性,確實讓人聯想到搖滾經典名團Aerosmith、Rolling Stones和Bad Company。而全美三大主流唱片廠牌在聽過Hinder的歌曲後爭相網羅的舉動,更證明了Hinder不容忽視的堅強實力。

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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