When listening to Liesbeth (below) I remembered that I brought the first Valérie Lagrange album from my last trip to Paris. Liesbeth's and Val's voice are quite similar, that's how. And their career started in the same decade (the sixties, ofcourse). Lagrange was a singing actress, she made six albums and about 25 films. Moitie Ange, Moitie Bête was released in 1966 and sported songs written by Pierre Barouh and Francis Lai, Valérie herself and Serge Gainsbourg. The latter offered La Guerilla, certainly not one of the highlights in his songwriting career, but a fun song nevertheless. Moitie Ange was re-released this year in a gimmick-y papersleeve.

Valérie Lagrange - Guerilla


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