一、 對於此一衝突事件,民進黨認為,社會各界應該冷靜以對。調查清楚、還原真相,才能避免對立升高。
二、 民進黨認為,張銘清先生出身國台辦,對於台灣社會有一定的了解,也有義務避免容易產生衝突的狀況。張銘清先生來台期間,公開說「沒有台獨就沒有戰爭」,這當然是挑釁威脅的言詞,台灣人民當然無法接受。
三、 對於張銘清先生訪台期間的人身安全,馬政府應該負起最大的責任,此次衝突發生時,張銘清先生並未有充分的維安措施,警政單位難辭其咎。
四、 民進黨反對肢體衝突,反對侵犯人身安全,民進黨主張,人民有權以和平非暴力的方式,大聲表達自己的政治主張,此一原則,也適用在陳雲林來台的處理原則。
五、 民進黨要呼籲國民黨,不要見獵心喜,進行政治操作,或者藉機抹黑民進黨。
譴責暴力 張銘清:暴力到我為止
1. 張銘清並非一般學者,其國台辦前發言人及海協會副會長的身份,他的工作是要併吞台灣,否定台灣的國際生存空間,而海協會身為台、中之溝通平台,對中國黑心貨傷害台灣人民健康、中小店家生意,連最起碼的道歉賠償都沒有,怎能要求待客之道?
2. 昨天張銘清在南藝大已透過校方鄭姓秘書表達將取消今明二天在台南的公開行程,結果張銘清又隨團出現在古蹟億載金城、安平古堡、孔廟,言而無信,以欺騙的手法閃躲民主的抗議,讓各處遇見的民眾相當氣憤,除了自行嗆聲外,並通知其他民眾到場向張銘清嗆聲,定宇也是接到民眾電話才趕往現場關心。
3. 在孔廟的現場,定宇趕到時,張銘清已面臨多群民眾向其抗議,在張銘清轉向定宇時,定宇向其大聲喊出「台灣不是中國的」、「毒奶粉、要道歉」、「台灣要獨立」,張不願面對,自行往後退而不幸遭地面不明物絆倒,他個人見狀也立即將張攙扶起來,定宇願對張銘清最強烈的抗議,卻也不願傷害任何人的人身安全。
4. 在張欲離開孔廟時,有支持者跳上其座車,王定宇不僅當場阻止,更勸導圍觀者讓其車輛離去,群眾在嗆聲時,是隨著張銘清的腳步移動,並未妨礙其行進,對檢警調的查辦動作,除了遺憾不知身在台灣或中國,更坦然面對。
5. 王定宇強調,中國對台灣,不論在外交空間、獨立主權、飛彈對台、黑心商品等,哪一件事不粗暴!如果國民黨政府只願對張銘清跌倒乙事,表達譴責或以司法清算,卻不願譴責中國對台灣的粗暴,這樣的政府是無能又可悲的。
張銘清跌倒事件 張榮發嚴厲譴責
Zhang Mingqing Warmly Welcomed In Taiwan
(Taipei Times) October 20, 2008.
A group of Chinese academics, including Zhang Mingqing (張銘清), vice chairman of China’s intermediary body, the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS), arrived in Taiwan yesterday. They are scheduled to take part in an academic symposium in Tainan County today.
Zhang, formerly a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office under China’s State Council before becoming the deputy head of ARATS in 2006, is leading a 21-member Chinese academic group to attend the 2008 Cross-Strait Academic Symposium on Mass Communications and Image Arts to be held at Tainan National University of the Arts (TNUA) located in Guantian Township (官田), Tainan County. Zhang is taking part in the academic symposium in his capacity as dean of Xiamen University’s School of Journalism and Communication.
“The symposium, which is titled Globalization and Reflection on Values, is aimed at examining the cultural assets and unique values in Taiwan and China, respectively, in the face of increasing globalization and the development of homogeneity in modern societies,” said Chen Ling-hui (陳齡慧), director of the TNUA College of Sound and Image Arts, one of the sponsors of the symposium. Zhang and other Chinese academics will deliver speeches and share their research papers with their Taiwanese counterparts during the one-day symposium, which is the seventh of its kind, Chen said.
They are also scheduled to make field trips to other universities in southern Taiwan tomorrow to “hear in person more local voices from Taiwan,” Chen said.
On reports that some Democratic Progressive Party supporters will protest against Zhang at TNUA, Chen Ling-hui said Zhang’s visit is for purely academic purposes and has nothing to do with politics. “TNUA respects the freedom of speech of all members of Taiwanese society, but the school hopes that the protesters will look rationally at the reality and not interrupt the symposium,” the director said.
This morning, Zhang Mingqing and other symposium participants went around sightseeing. The pan-green protestors staked out the various scenic spots in Tainan. Finally at the Confucius Temple, the protestors (including Tainan city councilor Wang Dingyu) found Zhang Mingqing and his companions. They punched Zhang and they pushed him onto the ground with his glasses sent flying. When he got up, they continued to try to punch him. There were only two policemen there, so they were obviously outnumbered. Zhang ran back into the car and ducked inside. A protestor jumped onto the car roof and stomped on it, creating some dents.
KMT legislator Hung Hsu-chu said: "I found this extremely absurd and also extremely rude. This person is our guest. He claimed that we have democracy and rule of law, and we have a wealthy and courteous society. But on this day, we have just show a social model filled with violence. Don't forget that when Democratic Progressive Party members go and visit mainland China, how do they treat you! When they come over here as guest, they have plenty to talk and communicate about. They want to see if there is anything that the two sides of the Strait can work together on. So is this acceptable? This is rule and it is also extremely shameless. How do you think society and the international community will feel about the people of Taiwan. Is this what Chinese culture is like? This is losing so much face."
Video Links: 张铭清被绿营民众推倒追打 台当局震惊 凤凰资讯;
張銘清遭暴力攻擊 震驚國台辦 中時電子報;
張銘清訪孔廟 遭追打推倒 聯合新聞網
(Central News Agency)
Tainan city councilor Wang Ding-yu said that Zhang Mingqing tripped on a tree root and fell down on his own. "I helped him get up behind by pulling him hup." Wang said that his only motive was to protest the fact that Zhang came to Taiwan without China making an apology first about the tainted milk powder. "I did not want to physically harm him." Wang also said, "I did not touch him at all from start to end." [ESWN Comment: Check the videos yourself for the tree root.]
Wang Ding-yu said that all the activities were spontaneously organized by civilians. Yesterday, Zhang had announced that his itinerary for the next day would be canceled but he actually went ahead with the sightseeing. Wang said, "This was deceptive." Everywhere that Zhang went today, he was met with spontaneous protests from citizens.
Wang said that "Zhang Mingqing is responsible for what happened today.
As for the dented car roof, Wang Ding-yu said that he is willing to consider paying compensation.
[ESWN Comment: This will be re-played again and again on television in Taiwan. The question is: Will they even show it in mainland China? Maybe not on television, but it is bound to create a buzz on the mainland Chinese Internet.]
本來KMT、統媒見此機會,不小題大作,不說要「譴責暴力」,那就不是KMT、統媒!好久不見新聞的連爺爺,也大聲疾呼『「張銘清先生是我們的客人」,身為主人對客人受到如此對待,「這種責任當政者實在無法辭咎」 』(自由即時)
連區公所發言人王郁琦聽到記者問道是否要張對毒奶粉事件道歉時,王居然說『是非公道自在人心,在今天這種情形之下,還要求張銘清先生道歉,是一件「不可思議」的事情! 』