Early this year P!nk had separated from her husband Carey Hart and was in talks to soon release an album. A couple months later a press release was issued and we then recieve get first single "So What". Then quickly she had scored her first solo #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100. I've always been a fan of P!nk and felt she has always delivered with her albums. As for her latest "Funhouse" it fails to dissapoint and she brings us another solid effort. It's an album filled with empowering lyrics and fun pop songs. Hitting all the right spots whether it be a ballad or uptempo pop/rock track. This is an album you'll deff have to check out and BUY YOUR COPY OCTOBER 28TH!!
1. So What
2. Sober
3. I Don't Believe You
4. One Foot Wrong
5. Please Don't Leave Me
6. Bad Influence
7. Funhouse
8. Crystal Ball
9. Mean
10. It's All Your Fault
Every time you look at me
I forget to breathe
Now can't you see?
How I like how you make me feel.
When I act this way, you're the one to blame. Oh no.
You should be careful what you're wishing for
You make me lose all my self-control. Don't you know.
What I need what I needed from you
What I want what I want you to do
You make me feel this way inside my heart its all your fault
What you do when it's already done
I want more I can't get enough
You make me feel this way you are the one, it's all your fault.
Oh yeah
You've only got yourself to blame
Baby ooh ooh It's all,it's all, it's all your fault
Every time that you try to play so innocent
You're not so innocent (no no)
But you got me right right where I want to be
Oh can't you tell you can blame yourself
You know exactly what to do and say
I don't know how much more I can take (oh you know)
What I need what I needed from you
What I want what I want you to do
You make me feel this way inside my heart, its all your fault
What you do when it's already done
I want more, I can't get enough
You make me feel this way you're the one, it's all your fault.
Weren't you the one that had me right from the start? (the start)
Weren't you the one who really broke into my heart?
But you know I left the key right, right there where you could reach it
You started this so you, you've got to finish it
What I need what I needed from you
What I want what I want you to do
You make me feel this way inside my heart its all your fault
What you do when it's already done
I want more I can't get enough
You make me feel this you are the one it's all your fault
What you did is done
You've only got yourself to blame
Blame it on you
It's all, it's all, it's all your fault
Blame it on you only on yourself
Can't blame anybody else
Blame it on you only on yourself
Everything you do you do so well
What I need what I needed from you
What I want what I want you to do (what I want, what I want baby)
You make me feel this way inside my heart its all your fault
What you do when it's already done
I want more I can't get enough
You make me feel this you are the one it's all your fault
What I need what I needed from you
What I want what I want you to do
You make me feel this way inside my heart, its all your fault
What you do when it's already done
I want more I can't get enough
You make me feel this you are the one it's all your fault
11. Ave Mary A
12. Glitter In The Air
13. This Is How It Goes Down (Ft. Travis McCoy)*Bonus
14. Could've Had Everything *Bonus 剽悍第一、嗆聲沒在怕的紅粉佳人〈P!nk〉也有感性時刻? 她的音樂解救一位慘遭爺爺性侵的13歲小女孩?失婚復出英美雙料稱后,歌「那又怎樣〈So What〉」奪下全球九國排行冠軍,成為全球最夯金曲!點名艾美懷絲、愛黛兒、莉莉艾倫都好聽,熱愛法國已故香頌天后伊迪絲皮雅芙,想為她學法文。第五張專輯《Funhouse》台灣將於31日發行。
紅粉佳人讓英國變色 強佔英國金榜等九國冠軍
紅粉佳人「侵門踏戶」強佔英國排行,失婚後的復出新歌「那又怎樣〈So What〉」繼先前登上美國單曲排行冠軍後,在剛剛公佈的英國金榜上又撂下冠軍,距離她上一首英國冠軍曲「愛情特效藥〈Just Like A Pill〉」已有六年光景,而「那又怎樣」也是她繼與克莉絲汀、美雅、莉兒金、蜜西艾莉特合作的電影『紅磨坊』主題曲「果醬女郎〈Lady Marmalade〉」後,又一首英美雙料冠軍曲,只是這回紅粉佳人一人稱后,更是風光。截至目前為止,「那又怎樣」已在全球奪下九國冠軍,不僅讓她再創事業高峰,即將於28日推出的新專輯《Funhouse》也成為西洋歌壇下半年的超級強片,台灣將於31日發行。
解救13歲被性侵小女孩 決心再戰歌壇
點名艾美懷絲、愛黛兒、莉莉艾倫都好聽 為香頌天后學法文紅粉佳人對於許多女歌手也提出自己的看法:她把布蘭妮的脫序行為當成借鏡,認為看到布蘭妮有助自己成功,「很多人爬得越高跌得越重,這些事情真的很讓我看不下去。」對於「英國毒后」艾美懷絲,向來愛嗆聲的紅粉佳人則愛死她的歌聲,「我要是有像艾美或是愛黛兒〈Adele〉的歌喉那會有多好!」早就「clean」很久的紅粉佳人還開玩笑說,「要是我和艾美鬼混,鐵定是壞消息,那會是我十年前才有的舉動,但應該會嗑不同的藥吧!」她對英國當紅女歌手莉莉艾倫〈Lily Allen〉也讚不絕口,直說她又好笑歌又好聽。不過最近最讓紅粉佳人著迷的則是法國已故香頌天后伊迪絲皮雅芙〈Edith Piaf〉,她狂K伊迪絲歌曲外,還為此特別去上法文課,「到我35歲的時後希望我已經能說流利的法文了。」
- Oct 17 Fri 2008 15:12
紅粉佳人 P!nk 第5張專輯 - Funhouse