FR:Filles Sourires
Virginia from Baton Rouge, on Etyl:
I discovered Etyl through this blog and bought their new CD, Souris, because I liked Je m'fais Mal and Noël. The first few times I listened to it, I was disappointed. I purchased Souris around the same time I got Camille's Music Hole, and I was much more impressed with the latter. However, I recently listened to a few songs from Etyl's first album La Tortue and I fell in love with En l'homme. I love the refrain 'Je crois en l'homme, malgre tout. Je crois en l'homme, meme aux fous' and the jazzy beat. Since then, I decided to give their new CD another chance and I found that it was much better than I initially thought. Anyway, En l'homme is a great song to sing when you're feeling a bit misanthropic.
Etyl - En l'homme (video)
Etyl - la tortue
6 février 2006
Label: Recal
- Oct 08 Wed 2008 09:58
française Etyl - En l'homme (2006)