Catalog No.: AVCD-23645
Label/Distributor: avex trax
Release Date: 2008/09/24

New cover album from YMCK featuring 8-bit style covers of classic folk songs. Includes eight songs total (subject to change).

カヴァーブームに新旋風! 懐かしのフォークソングがYMCKの織り成す8bitサウンドによって現代に蘇る! 本作は"メッセージ"と"可愛らしさ"が詰め込まれた、他に類をみない極上カヴァー作!! 全8曲収録予定。

YMCK成立於2003年5月,被稱日本Electro Pop救世主的YMCK,,配樂全部為復古的8-bit音樂,就是紅白機上那種遊戲音樂,加上女童聲,一種清新的感覺。,他們的音樂令人聯想到阪本龍一的 YMO時期,或者電子遊戲《超級瑪力》的背景音樂,懷舊復古的電音、可愛的旋律、編曲者扎實的爵士樂底子、碰撞出一種全新感覺的流行氣質,溫暖又時尚”


來自澀穀電音小廠牌的electro pop獨立樂隊,是一支女子遊戲機電音indies團,由女主唱Midori、詞曲兼製作Yokemura、鍵盤手Nakamura三人組成。


01_夢の中へ(井上陽水) /Yume no Naka e (Inoue Yosui)
02_ぼくたちの失敗(森田童子)/Bokutachi no Shippai (Morita Doji)
03_人間なんて(吉田拓郎) /NIngen Nante (Yoshida Takuro)
04_傘がない(井上陽水)/Kasa ga Nai (Inoue Yosui)
05_春夏秋冬(泉谷しげる) /Shunkashuto (Izumiya Shigeru)
06_満足できるかな(遠藤賢司) /Manzoku Dekirukana (Endo Kenji)
07_言葉にできない(小田和正)/Kotoba ni Dekinai (Oda Kazumasa)

08_人生を語らず(吉田拓郎) /Jinsei o Katarazu (Yoshida Takuro)
09_まるで正直者のように(友部正人) /Marude Shojikimono no Yoni

“New cover album from YMCK featuring 8-bit style covers of classic folk songs.
As its subtitle suggests, “Songbook -Songs Before 8bit-” sees “chiptune” flag-bearers YMCK spread their Nintendoesque love all over a clutch of songs from 1971 to 1982, a time when “Mario Bros.” was still a glimmer in Shigeru Miyamoto’s eye — and many of them are as memorable as the heroic Italian plumber’s own theme tune.
The idea to cover classics in a chiptune style, which uses synth plug-in software to approximate the sounds of Nintendo’s 1983 Famicom games console, pays off in several ways: It shows the versatility of originals such as Yosui Inoue’s anthemic “Yume no Nakae” and Takuro Yoshida’s folksy “Ningen Nante”; it highlights the depth of musicality and emotion YMCK are able to wring from their homemade MIDI plug-in, which allows for layered and listenable music made for more than simply running, jumping and necking magic mushrooms; and it gives the band the chance to explore melancholy vibes they might usually avoid, such as on “Kasa ga Nai” (also by Inoue).”


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