聽免錢的 For the free download of Vanilla Swingers, the album, click here
要買的 Limited edition cd (1000 copies) available from Rough Trade for £4.99
Release Date: 2008/8/5
Band Members
Miles Jackson & Anne Gilpin
Ian Catt
Simon Lea
Paul Jeffrey
Steve Blackmore
01.The Town
02.Like Straw Dogs
03.I’ll Stay Next To You
04.The Hive 8:11
You can see the future | Just stop and look around yer | Oh, this impossible world was never meant to be | And maybe we get what we deserve | I've seen the evidence | Packaged experience, things I want but know I'll never need | No way, no way | The fame economy | Doll choreography the culture of complaint won't seek to understand | The daisies in the sun mutate but still stay beautiful | Always looking forward to a time when you'll look back on this and smile | No way, no way | City comedown | Same as our town | With this ring I see through every ocean rising, advertising they won't stop until it's all in bits upon the ground | Screensave faces, Chinese walls divide | Monitors flicker but I only saw the light behind your eyes | We're part of a problem with no solution | Everywhere you go, everything so cheap | Someone's gonna pay | From the daily rail to the NME, sing the same old song | "They build you up they knock you down. Fifteen minutes counting down. Changes like the weather. You built me up you won't knock me down - I'm keeping both feet on the ground. And it's getting better!" | Too much time's gone past | It's winter, summer, spring | Short sleeves in March | Wake up, forage, eat, sleep and make it better | A little better | Always better | And then some more | Solemnly we piss away the peace before the war that always comes | What if I could take you back to yesterday again | Away from Kajadoodoo clerks and crazy frogs and optimists making poverty history | And was there anything else? | Back in 1980s | First thing you see | Where are all the dandies | And you shouldn't trust your memory | So banal and real and like it never went away | Banned from the bookies - "Hey, mister, we got lucky!" | "Two for The Smiths, please. And a can of Quatro." | Starring in a film no-one will ever see | But you can see the future
05.Danger In The Past
06.Back To The Present
07.The Way She Walked Out The Door
08.Goodbye Lennon
09.If You Fall
許多人把POP這個字眼視為毒蛇猛獸,彷彿沾染了一點就足以讓他們失去引以為傲的可悲獨特性與虛假的與眾不同,但卻有些人努力追求著流行化,並非小甜甜布蘭妮的形式流行,而是曲調上的流行,彷彿譜寫出動人心弦的完美曲調是個難以達成的天職。於是再配上小巧特別的概念與編曲,就成了我們口中的Indie-Pop。而Vanilla Swingers正是這樣一個披著庸俗外衣卻行事特異的偽流行樂團。
「1985年,男孩認識了女孩,他們相戀了,但世俗萬事萬物均註定要阻擾他們,於是男孩失去了女孩。在歷經滄桑的三十年後,男孩女孩終於重逢,再次譜出一段超越時間的戀曲。」好一個爛到發臭成酸,老套無聊的經典白癡肥皂劇,但這卻是Vanilla Swingers首張同名專輯的主題,透過普羅俗氣的寓言,卻引發出對於人生的疑問與哲思,將睿智和聰慧隱藏於反諷裝傻的對白之中,而這齣戲碼的配樂,卻是宛若Black Box Recorder的可人情懷,以及我們最愛的花草混合電氣氛圍。
女主唱Anne Gilpin彷彿使用著與Sarah Nixey同一款的聲帶來吟唱這段愛情故事,在首首皆為男女對唱的情境裡救了這張同名Debut專輯,甚至提升了曲調的淒美動人。於是Saint Etienne、Pet Shop Boys,甚至是New Order的電子合成器調性終將被隱匿,只謙遜地服侍著無常愛戀的哀愁,儘管庸俗在荒謬年代裡吵吵嚷嚷,這些令人心碎的流行與卻依然優雅地為都市童話的純真對白伴奏,從落日的紅轉為薄暮的灰,幾個年代以來輕巧可愛的電子花草元素簇擁著悅耳曲調,讓我們也能輕易地學會哼唱那論述人生與愛情的哲思。
芭樂鋼琴、悠揚弦樂、明亮吉他、迷濛合成器,與單調鼓機,所有熟悉的Indie-Pop樂器又再度為Vanilla Swingers的詩篇搭配組合,不落俗套地編織著穠纖合度,這個男女雙人組重現了上一個十年才有的迷人浪漫,就在新團忙著復古臨摹,或是另闢實驗,以及裝腔作勢的現在,如此步調緩慢、專心致力於流行曲調的表現更是難能可貴。
如同〈I'll Stay Next To You〉長達七分鐘的具體而微,Vanilla Swingers抿嘴微笑讓樂迷猜測他們的出身與影響,順便傳達著Pop的悅耳精神與戀愛思惟,聽著曲末那段寵物店男孩式的交互男女獨白,我們也跟著節奏踏著茫茫人海裡總能邂逅相遇的自信腳步。
- Oct 02 Thu 2008 01:15
男女二人組 Vanilla Swingers ( Vs.) 同名專輯