Steven Meisel (born 1954) is an American photographer, who obtained popular acclaim with his work in US and Italian Vogue and his photographs of friend Madonna in the latter's 1992 book Sex designed by Fabien Baron. He is now considered one of the most successful fashion photographers in the industry, shooting regularly for both US and Italian Vogue and lately W (also edited by Condé Nast).

Steven Meisel從1980年就開始拍攝時裝影像照片,這個傢伙,跟一些時裝名設計師一樣,都從紐約有名的設計學院P.S.D-Parson School of Design畢業,非常的出眾,也非常多產、創新,擅長使用故事性描述的拍攝方式來詮釋一個現象或是一種文化,他的作品總是讓人印象深刻,描述的手法都很誇張,可能在他心中沒有什麼叫做中間地帶。

Vogue Italy asked acclaimed photographer Steven Meisel to “do something crazy” for their next issue.  The result: Total sensory overload. The shoot, called “Vogue Patterns,” is just that: Layers and layers of patterns. Explosions of colors and shapes.

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