迪士尼麥莉16歲粉嫩師妹又出輯啦... 小野貓 P!nk.....有殺錯沒放過喔 環球!!
Demi Lovato 黛咪洛瓦特
專輯名稱:Don't Forget 勿忘我
請到曾受葛萊美加持的John Fields(強納斯兄弟、麥莉、紅粉佳人)以及好朋友強納斯兄弟聯手掌盤,空降告示牌亞軍,AMG給予四星近滿分推薦
登上數位下載榜TOP16主打歌“Get Back”,強納斯兄弟協助撰寫+樂器演奏
當正值16歲青春年華的小女生們,等待隔壁班暗戀的男孩走過窗前、想辦法擠掉臉上冒出的第一顆痘痘、開始嘗試偷擦媽媽的化妝品、煩惱每天出門搭配的全身行頭...這時的Demi Lovato卻可以淑女的彈奏鋼琴、個性的飆玩吉他、實力的撰寫歌曲、已是迪士尼原創電視電影的女主角,但這只是個開端而已,因為Demi的光芒將以倍速成長席捲國際市場!
出生德州達拉斯,本名Demetria Devonne Lovato的Demi,擁有西班牙、愛爾蘭、義大利血統,母親是位啦啦隊長以及鄉村女歌手,遺傳到媽媽的藝術細胞,六歲時Demi開始參與美國著名兒童電視節目「Barney And Friends」演出,長達兩年之久。2006-2007年間陸續露臉於高收率「Prison Break越獄風雲」、「Just Jordan」等影集裡頭,2008年擔任全美首播創下890萬人次觀賞、躍居收視冠軍原創電視電影「Camp Rock搖滾夏令營」第一女主角,Demi就像灰姑娘般一夕成名,走紅程度可不輸師姊麥莉Miley Cyrus(入選Time雜誌「全球百大最具影響力人物」),入列迪士尼旗下力捧的全方位偶像。
Demi大秀詞曲撰寫、樂器演奏等專才於首張處女秀【Don’t Forget】之中,請到曾受葛萊美加持的John Fields(強納斯兄弟、麥莉、紅粉佳人)以及好朋友Jonas Brothers/強納斯兄弟聯手掌盤,首週以八萬九千張空降告示牌亞軍席次,AMG專業音樂網站給予四星近滿分推薦。高聲唱道屬於自己率性調調的開場“La La Land”,讓你無法忽視這位小妮子的絕對魅力;第一波登上數位下載榜Top16的主打“Get Back”,譜出青春愛戀宣言,強納斯兄弟協助撰寫/樂器演奏;喧鬧氣流足以掀起屋頂的“Party”,Demi邀請所有樂迷一起參加這場歡樂滿點的搖滾派對;強納斯兄弟全程幫腔的“On The Line”,再現「搖滾夏令營」的精彩對唱,隨著奔放節拍盡情搖擺;層次感鮮明的“Don't Forget”、搭配弦樂輔佐的“Two Worlds Collide”、更多順暢線條組合的“Believe In Me”,都是動聽首選好歌,同時大秀Demi不吹噓的創作真本事。
Here is another artist who was able to gain fame all thanks to Disney. Sixteen year-old Demi Lovato stared in the Disney film "Camp Rock" also staring the Jonas Brothers. The thing that separates Demi from many of her Disney mates is that she actually has a good voice. So take that and put her to work with some good producers and writers and she's set. The album turned out quite well and makes for a great first effort from Lovato. It's also great to know that she has writing credits on every song except for two. If your a fan I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting into this so deff check it out and BUY YOUR COPY SEPTEMBER 23RD!!
1. La La Land
2. Get Back
3. Trainwreck
4. Party
5. On The Line (Featuring the Jonas Brothers)
6. Don't Forget
7. Gonna Get Caught
8. Two Worlds Collide
9. The Middle
10. Until You're Mine
For My sake of mine it's getting the best of me
I need you next to me
I'll try to find a way that I can
Get to you
I just wanna to get to you
The world I see is perfect now
You're all around
With you I can breath
Until You're Mine
I have to find a way
To fill the soul inside
I have to find
Way without you
Here by my side
Until You're Mine
Not gonna be
Able complete
I won't rest until you're mine (mine)
Oh wow Inside I can
Only hear you voice
Ringing through the noise
I can't find my mind it
Keeps on coming back to you
It all leads back to you
I wanted something out of reach
It's killing me
You're all I see
Until You're Mine
I have to find a way
To fill the soul inside
I have to find
Way without you
Here by my side
Until You're Mine
Not gonna be
Able complete
I won't rest until you're mine (mine)
It's so good to be
If we were meant to be together
By being so close
I'm ready to begin
The waiting has to wind
Right now, Today
I have to find a way
Until You're Mine
Without you here by my side
Until You're Mine
Not gonna be
Able complete
I won't rest until you're mine (mine)
For My sake of mine it's getting the best of me
I need you next to me
11. Believe In Me
It’s here. The official music video for Demi Lovato’s debut single, “Get Back,” was released on Friday. The rising Disney star is eagerly preparing for the release of her first album, Don’t Forget, in stores Sept 23.
Demi Lovato pictured in the Camp Rock Credits
PopCrunch is continuing our look at the hottest new stars, and today we’re looking at pictures of Demi Lovato, star of Disney’s show Camp Rock. Lovato is already a big star among the younger crowd, but she’s about to expand her audience with a new album coming out September 23rd. She’s going to be huge, and we’ll keep adding pics to this space over time, so keep your eyes peeled. Enjoy.
Here’s Lovato in a picture flashing her huge smile.
Demi Lovato Attended Camp Rock New York Premiere
Camp Rock, Disney Channel's latest original movie, had its world premiere at Ziegfeld Theatre, New York City on Wednesday, June 11, 2008. Demi Lovato, the female protagonist of the movie, was seen smiling through the arrivals of the white carpet event.
Demi Lovato attended Disney's Camp Rock New York Premiere on June 11. Lovato plays the dancing and singing Cinderella Mitchie Torres in the movie.
"It feels incredible, it feels like a dream," said the 15-year-old Demi Lovato. "I didn't know I had that many fans. I looked up as they screamed my name, and I was like, 'Cool! You know my name?'"
Camp Rock, aka the next High School Musical, tells the dancing and singing Cinderella story of Mitchie Torres, a teen with an amazing voice and a driving ambition to be a pop singer who wants to spend her summer at a prestigious rock camp.
Unfortunately, an expensive music camp is a bit out of reach for her family, but her mother gets a job as Camp Rock's cook so that Mitchie can attend as long as she helps out in the kitchen between classes.
Befriended by fellow camp member Caitlyn (Alyson Stoner) but intimidated by the immensely talented Tess Tyler (Meaghan Jette Martin) and her friends Peggy (Jasmine Richards) and Ella (Anna Maria Perez de Tagle), Mitchie lives a double life hiding that she is the cook's daughter and posing as a well-to-do camper in order to become part of the hottest clique at camp.
When she's overheard singing, but not seen, by teen pop star and celebrity camp instructor, plus lead singer of Connect Three, Shane Gray (Joe Jonas), he is completely taken and sets out to find the girl behind the beautiful voice. Meanwhile, Mitchie will have to learn how to confront her fears, step out of the kitchen and into the spotlight as herself.
Alyson Stoner who played Caitlyn Geller in the film attended Disney's Camp Rock New York Premiere on June 11. Geller is Mitchie's best friend, and they met at Camp Rock. Caitlyn is the only girl who wasn't mean or rude to Mitchie. She wants to be a producer and is constantly carrying her laptop around. She also has an intense rivalry with and, apparently, a hatred for Tess.
Meaghan Jette Martin who played Tess Tyler in the film attended Disney's Camp Rock New York Premiere on June 11. Tess Tyler is the female antagonist of the film. She went to Camp Rock to be "too cool" and wants to be a pop star. She is very popular but very mean to others, especially Mitchie, and even purposely blames Mitchie for stealing her charm bracelet so that she can be banned from all camp activities.
Anna Maria Perez de Tagle who played Ella in the film attended Disney's Camp Rock New York Premiere on June 11. Ella is one of Tess's best friends. She follows Tess around and does whatever she tells her to do, although she isn't as completely mean as Tess. Ella is the girly girl of the mean girl clique; she's obsessed with lip gloss and nail polish. One of the reasons why she is friends with Tess is because she wants to be popular. She's also supposedly dumb, as seen in the trailer, where she has a dilemma of choosing between two nail polish the exact same color.
Jasmine Richards who played Peggy Warburton in the film attended Disney's Camp Rock New York Premiere on June 11. Peggy Warburton is one of Tess's best friends and is part of Tess' group. She isn't quite as cruel as Tess but is still more so than Ella. Other than tagging along with them, she dreams of being a famous guitarist and singer.
Julie Brown attended Disney's Camp Rock Premiere at Ziegfeld Theatre, New York City on June 11, 2008. Brown is one of four musical composers for the film.
Source: Wikipedia Pictures credit: Janet Mayer/PR Photos
想要從灰姑娘變成大明星、趕快報名參加 「搖滾夏令營」!!
1. 一定要偶像: 少女殺手強納斯兄弟最帥二哥Joe、麥莉師妹黛咪洛瓦特聯合主演
2. 一定要冠軍: 全美首播當晚創下890萬人次觀賞,全美收視冠軍
3. 一定要獨家: 全球獨家收錄夢幻星光組合-神木与瞳Y2J亞洲中文版“We Rock”
特蒐幕後花絮、“Start The Party”音樂錄影帶、強納斯兄弟新專輯「A Little Bit Longer」訪談、劇照幻燈片…長達40分鐘精采畫面
產品編號:D000271600 05008 71297-67
Label: Walt Disney
發行年月: 2008/9/5
最火搖滾教室! 由奧斯卡提名的Matthew Diamond執導的「Camp Rock/搖滾夏令營」,是繼收視破億的「歌舞青春」後最被期待突破紀錄的迪士尼原創電影,全球搶播當日就超過890萬收視,掀起部落格最火話題:什麼時候播「Camp Rock」?!
迪士尼總監Gary Marsh說:「當『灰姑娘』遇上『歌舞青春』,就是『搖滾夏令營』!」沒
錯,猶如灰姑娘處境的蜜琪(Demi Lovato/黛咪洛瓦特飾)為了參加好萊塢版星光大道的「搖滾夏令營」,藉媽媽到夏令營擔任廚娘的機會混進去,個性害羞的她努力想融入夏令營這群明日之星,於是編造天花亂墜的謊言說媽媽是知名音樂製作人,而前往夏令營找回搖滾熱情的Connect 3樂團主唱夏恩(Joe Jonas/強納斯兄弟二哥喬飾),不經意聽見她自然不造作的美妙歌聲為之傾心,在一次Final Jam他終於發現“她”就是蜜琪,兩人將各自創作的歌曲合為一曲“This Is Me”並陷入熱戀,十足童話故事般的情節正要圓滿大收場,但蜜琪扯謊的雪球越滾越大,最後…..。
最火星光band!【搖滾夏令營】甫一發行氣勢如虹衝出80萬張銷售,更獲全美流行專輯榜季軍、原聲帶冠軍+加拿大專輯榜亞軍的亮眼成績。全球最強少女殺手強納斯兄弟,在「搖滾夏令營」裡出任當夯樂團Connect 3成員:二哥喬飾演主唱夏恩,大哥凱文與小弟尼克分別飾演吉他手Jason及Nate,【搖滾夏令營】當然少不了他們的青春搖滾樂章“Play My Music”。被點名麥莉接班人的黛咪洛瓦特,在本輯中展現她名列Billboard「百大特殊嗓音」的實力,收錄尋找自我的“Who Will I Be?”,以及讓夏恩大夢初醒、情不自禁將自創的“Gotta Find You”融入歌詞的情歌對唱曲“This Is Me”。不只搖滾,本輯充滿舞曲、抒情慢板、流行、節奏藍調、雷鬼風嘻哈,當然少不了像「歌舞青春」“What Time Is It”般的熱舞勁歌大合唱“We Rock”,此外亞洲版全球獨家收錄搖滾夢幻組合--神木与瞳Y2J(賴銘偉+黃美珍)翻唱“We Rock”中文版,讓你一次High到翻!
最火內幕爆料! 附贈DVD,特蒐「搖滾夏令營」迷哥迷姐必看幕後花絮、巴隆演唱會的派對熱歌、一睹強納斯兄弟新專輯「A Little Bit Longer」獨家訪談…將近40分鐘精采畫面不容獨漏!
[Disc 1]:Soundtrack (內附中英文歌詞)
1. We Rock 我們最棒 - 搖滾夏令營星光班大合唱
2. Play My Music 我的調調 - Connect 3(強納斯兄弟)
3. Gotta Find You 找到妳 - 夏恩(二哥喬)
4. Start the Party 派對開始 - 巴隆
5. Who Will I Be? 明日之星 - 蜜琪(黛咪洛瓦特)
6. This Is Me 這就是我 - 蜜琪+夏恩
7. Hasta La Vista 珍重再見 - 巴隆
8. Here I Am 看我這邊 - 佩琪
9. Too Cool 超酷 - 黛絲泰勒
10. Our Time Is Here (bonus track) 我們的時代 - 蜜琪
11. 2 Stars“星星”相惜 - 黛絲泰勒
12. What It Takes 不顧一切 - 蘿拉
13. We Rock (Mandarin Version) - feat. Y2J 亞洲唯一男女雙主唱搖滾組合-神木与瞳Y2J亞洲中文版
[Disc 2]:Bonus DVD
«Rock On - Making Of The Music 幕後花絮
«Jonas Brothers - New Album Preview 強納斯兄弟新專輯「A Little Bit Longer」訪談
«“Start The Party” Music Video 巴隆青春熱歌“派對開始”音樂錄影帶
«Camp Rock Scrapbook - Photo Slideshow 精采劇照幻燈片