FR:Filles Sourires

Josianne Paradis

In April I posted two songs by Josianne Paradis from Quebec, a young singer with a soothing voice, great musical taste (Arianne Moffatt, Camille, Barbara) and an album coming up. That cd was released this week. A bit jazzy, with sixties references, some experimenting and a couple of really good songs. A singer to watch, therefore. Solitude, with it's jazzy bassline, Barbara-themed lyrics and lazy voice is one of my faves.

In other news: Sound of Musique is up & running again. Really nice post: Moriarty doing BB's Harley Davidson.

Josianne Paradis - Solitude


Maybe because her fans send the IFPI-gestapo on my back, I stopped following the career of the beautiful Elodie Frégé. Shame. A protégé of Benjamin Biolay, who proved on her second album she did have the talent to be a great singer. Every time I play La Ceinture (one of the sexiest clips ever, keep watching what happens), or Gainsbourg-cover Velours des Vierges, I am in awe. I didn't know Benjamin Diamond made a fairly good house remix of La Fidelité, bumped into that recently. She's all over Youtube, with a duet with Biolay (click), a very intimate cover of a Brassens-song (click), and no less than two videos for La Fidelité (click, click). New material (some duets) will be released later this year.

Elodie Frégé - La Fidelíté
Elodie Frégé - La Fidelité (remix)

Elisel, Clarys

Maybe I'm not looking close enough. But her labelsite looks very down. There is nothing on Myspace. And apart from some references to downloadsites, and this (but my guess is that this is a different Elisel), nothing. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Pity, because Juste Toi, Juste Moi by Elisel sounds gorgeous, a certified fille fragile. A bit like a more relaxed Alizée. Do you know anything about this girl?
UPDATE: yes, Elisel the illustrator is the same als Elisel the singer. See here. (Merci Franss)
More is known about Clarys, an art, film and music loving thirtysomething from Paris and Tours who just released her debut album, Noces de Singes. A few good songs on that, with jazzy undertones. Clarys used to be in triphopbands and an electro-outfit. She worked with Fabien Tessier, who also recorded with Claire Diterzi, and shared the stage with Pauline Croze and Franck Monnet. Oh, and she does not like sticky hands.

Elisel - Ironie du sort
Elisel - Suzy vends des fleurs

28 février 2002
Label: Hacienda
La ressemblance avec Keren Ann est quasi immédiate lorsque l'on entend la voix douce et fragile d'Élisel. Autre point commun avec la petite sœur de Benjamin Bioley, Élisel travaille elle aussi en famille. Alors que son père Jean Gamet s'attèle aux compositions de ce premier album, son frère Nicolas y participe lui aussi en tant que chœur. De cette douce aventure projetée il y a 6 ans est née Ironie du sort. Un délicat équilibre d'acoustique et d'électrique (juste ce qu'il faut, mais pas trop) où la rythmique pop tutoie parfois les synthés d'Éric Chevalier ("Tes envies, tes audaces"…). La majorité des textes écrits par Élisel nous invitent quant à eux dans des histoires d'amour perdues ("Sois cool") et de gens ordinaires ("Suzy vend des fleurs", "Anita et Tom"). Un album qui s'impose tendrement à nos oreilles. --Valérie Dupouy

Clarys - Monsieur
Clarys - Songes

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