(Deluxe Edition)

New Kids On The Block - The Block
The last time these boys were all together was back in the early 90's. The last time they released an album was back in 1994 with "Face the Music" but around that time they were loosing their steam. About 14 years later the boys are no longer boys but men now in their late 30's. Their back at it again with a new album and an upcoming tour. Surprisingly they were able to create a fairly decent album thanks to many top notch producers (RedONe,Akon,Timbaland,etc..). It has a contemporary pop/r&b sound throughout filled with radio ready tracks. The guest appearances are a plus aswell. It's a solid effort and it's actually listenable which pretty much does it for me. So deff check it out and BUY YOUR COPY SEPTEMBER 2ND!!

1. Click Click Click
2. Single (With Ne-Yo)
3. Big Girl Now (Featuring Lady Gaga)
4. Summertime
5. 2 In The Morning
6. Grown Man (Featuring Pussycat Dolls & Teddy Riley)

7. Dirty Dancing
8. Sexify My Love
9. Twisted
10. Full Service (Featuring New Edition)
11. Lights, Camera, Action
12. Put It on My Tab (Featuring Akon)
13. Stare at You
14. One Song
15. Don't Cry
16. Offically Over
17. Looking Like Danger

9/12 taiwan
6025 178 357-02

★小野貓、阿肯、尼歐超強陣容加持,頂尖製作團隊Polow da Don(*菲姬)、RedOne(*安立奎)、Timbaland(*瑪丹娜)、Teddy Riley(*麥可傑克森)打造★

★收錄流行新經典:“Summertime”、“Single”以及凝聚團員重返樂壇的動人情歌“Click Click Click”★

New Kids On The Block/街頭頑童在80年末到90年初締造了一段輝煌歷史--創造八千萬張唱片銷售與八億美金的商業價值,並從此吹響90年代男孩團的號角,可以說是Backstreet Boys/新好男孩、'NSYNC/超級男孩的始祖。2008年,這支男孩團的開路先鋒將以強勢大碟【The Block】重新一統男孩團的流行王朝。

Jordan Knight/喬登奈特、Jonathan Knight/強納森奈特、Joey McIntyre/喬伊麥肯泰、Donnie Wahlberg/唐尼華柏、Danny Wood/丹尼伍德,這五個街頭頑童曾經以帥氣舞技跟“You Got It (The Right Stuff)”、“Hangin' Tough”、“I'll Be Loving You (Forever)”、“Step By Step”…等暢銷金曲風靡全球,讓全球少女神魂顛倒,終於在漫長等待的十五年後決定與樂迷再次“街”觸。2007年冬季,唐尼拿到一捲洋溢著流行、嘻哈、節奏藍調曲風的試唱帶大為驚喜,激起團員重新聚首的契機,唐尼表示:「推動這個復出計劃,是因為我把它當成一個成長機會,我們各自擁有不同的動能與創意,就像化學原理具有各自的作用,但當融合在一起的時候,就會產生巨大效應!」睽違15年最新專輯【The Block】就此誕生,即將重啟男孩團的光榮歲月,更將賦予男孩團全新的定義。

在唐尼的號召下,街頭頑童與Nazaree以及流行樂壇當紅金曲創作家、製作團隊--Polow da Don(*亞瑟小子、菲姬)、RedOne(*安立奎)、Timbaland(*賈斯汀、瑪丹娜)、Teddy Riley(*麥可傑克森),卯足全力投入最新專輯【The Block】的錄製工作。新專輯佳作連連,包括讓人一聽傾心,打進全美熱門單曲榜TOP40的夏日之歌“Summertime”;以“So Sick”、“Because Of You”等冠亞軍單曲紅透半邊天的葛萊美獎全才藝人Ne-Yo/尼歐全力打造並合唱的性感戀歌“Single”;出道大碟全球狂賣750萬張的The Pussycat Dolls/小野貓熱力發燒的狂歡勁歌“Grown Man”;以冠軍曲“I Wanna Love You”征服全球的寂寞先生Akon/阿肯聯手合作動感小品“Put It On My Tab”;2008年以全美舞曲榜亞軍單曲“Just Dance”走紅的紐約流行電子舞曲新勢力Lady Gaga灌注摩登舞曲電流的“Big Girl Now”;曾在80-90年代與街頭頑童相抗衡的黑人重唱團體New Edition互飆樂團重唱魅力的正點大作“Full Service”;還有“Click Click Click”、“Sexify My Love”等閃動流行時尚節奏風采的迷人唱作。這不單是街頭頑童的重新回歸,更是他們找回流行音樂價值的神聖使命。

1. Click Click Click
2. Single (NKOTB and Ne-Yo) - R&B救世主尼歐全力打造/合唱
3. Big Girl Now (feat. Lady Gaga) - 紐約流行電舞新勢力嘉嘉女神加持
4. Summertime
5. 2 In The Morning
6. Grown Man (feat. the Pussycat Dolls and Teddy Riley) – 抓遍全球排行小野貓狂歡唱和
7. Dirty Dancing
8. Sexify My Love
9. Twisted
10. Full Service (feat. New Edition) – 與新版本合唱團互飆樂團重唱魅力
11. Lights, Camera, Action
12. Put It On My Tab (feat. Akon) – 寂寞先生阿肯聯手合作
13. Stare At You
Bonus Track: 14. Close To You

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