Lee Hyun Ji李賢智 (原Jewelry 成員)
August 27, 2008 by coolsmurf

New promotional posters of Lee Hyun Ji started appearing at various spots in Seoul from 24th August which caught the attention of many Koreans. Lee Hyun Ji has undergone a big transformation from her cute bubbly “Pocket Girl” image of the past with a new sultry sexy image. In the posters, she wears a “Kiss Me” eye mask coupled with bright red lipstick, oozing feminism sexuality.

Many were shocked after seeing the posters, “Is this really Lee Hyun Ji?”, “Her red lips are really sexy”. The words on the right-hand side of the poster had her name and the date “2008.09.02″ imprinted on it which has invoked the curiosity of many, possibly implying that something might happen on that day.

Lee Hyun Ji was once part of the dance music project group Banana Girl and so many are guessing that she is making her comeback soon with an album.


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