貝汀菲兒 Natasha Bedingfield
Pocketful of Sunshine
1. Put Your Arms Around Me
2. Pocketful of Sunshine
3. Happy
4. Love Like This (feat. Sean Kingston)
5. Piece of Your Heart
6. Soulmate
7. Say It Again
8. Angel
9. Backyard
10. Freckles
11. Who Knows
12. Pirate Bones
13. Not Givin' Up
Natasha Bedingfield (born 26 November 1981) is an English singer and songwriter who debuted in the 1990s as a member of the Christian dance/electronic group The DNA Algorithm with her siblings Daniel Bedingfield and Nikola Rachelle. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Bedingfield recorded rock and gospel songs for the Hillsong London Church.
On October 3, 2007 Bedingfield won an award for "Best Pop Artist" at the 2007 BT Digital Music Awards held at The Roundhouse in Camden, North London, she also performed her latest single Say It Again at the ceremony.
Bedingfield has stated on TRL that her U.S. version of her second album will be Pocketful of Sunshine which will feature six songs from N.B. alongside with seven new songs. The lead single of this album is called "Love Like This," which features new singer Sean Kingston. According to her official website, it will be released on January 22, 2008. The title track is set to be the second single and was played on the season finale of MTV's The Hills.
◎收錄英國金榜Top10金曲〈Soulmate〉及與牙買加才氣小子Sean Kingston甜蜜對唱全美Top11單曲〈Love Like This〉及橫掃全美單曲榜Top5、二度攻佔舞曲榜冠軍的〈Pocketful Of Sunshine〉
貝汀菲兒 / 陽光滿載
2008/9/5 taiwan
◎收錄英國金榜Top10金曲〈Soulmate〉及與牙買加才氣小子Sean Kingston甜蜜對唱全美Top11單曲〈Love Like This〉及橫掃全美單曲榜Top5、二度攻佔舞曲榜冠軍的〈Pocketful Of Sunshine〉
不讓會唱也能創作的哥哥Daniel Bedingfield專美於前,外型內含兼具的優質實力偶像Natasha Bedingfield,擁有黑人靈魂味覺,透著新世代女生獨立自主的態度,讓大西洋兩岸樂迷為她瘋狂著迷。雙獲葛萊美與全英音樂獎提名肯定,入選GAP服飾品牌的廣告代言人,搖滾大哥大Bono力邀她參與救助非洲愛滋病患慈善機構(RED)的系列活動,短短四年間專輯+單曲之銷量已在全球突破千萬佳績。
生長於倫敦的Natasha,從小就在吉他、鋼琴和創作中找到樂趣,雖然有許多唱片公司主動釋出善意,但Natasha還是想把歌曲及演唱技巧磨到水準以上的程度才願意發片。2004年以首張專輯《Unwritten》搶下英國金榜冠軍+美國Top26席次,其中躍上英國Top6+美國Top5的雙白金勵志單曲〈Unwritten〉,不僅成為全美主流電台年度點播率最高的歌,更是潘婷〈PANTENE PRO-V〉洗髮精2007和2008年度重點廣告曲,同時Daniel和Natasha倆共通分享金氏世界紀錄中,位居英國榜歷史上唯一兄妹檔各自發展,兩位均以新人之姿便摘下冠軍成績。
2007年率先在英國發行第二張大碟《N.B.》,直奔英國金榜Top9,寫下〈I Wanna Have Your Babies〉和〈Soulmate〉兩支雙坐Top7單曲。《Pocketful Of Sunshine》則是美國版的第二張專輯,保留住《N.B.》中的六首曲目,外加七支全新作品,空降美國流行榜季軍。首波攻勢〈Love Like This〉倚著愉悅流行雷鬼輕鬆步調,請到牙買加才氣小子Sean Kingston甜蜜對唱,奪取美國舞曲榜冠軍+流行榜Top11;第二支同名主打〈Pocketful Of Sunshine〉混搭電子與節奏藍調律動,同灌上吉他輕搖滾輔佐,滾石雜誌形容:「動聽易記、高水準的悅耳音符與舞曲節奏。」二度拿下美國舞曲榜冠軍,以及流行榜Top5佳績,贏取電玩「模擬市民 2:玩耍時光」之重點搭襯配樂;預計第三優選〈Angel〉,交付布蘭妮、碧昂絲、惠妮休斯頓等巨星指名製作的大師Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins操刀/撰寫,濃濃美式都會R&B旋律,搭上Natasha獨特白人Soulful嗓音,勢必再度引起排行騷動;耐聽度不輸〈Unwritten〉的開場曲〈Put Your Arms Around Me〉,還有先行攻陷英國的〈Soulmate〉,都是Natasha親筆寫下篇篇動人且散發美麗自信的成熟樂章。
- Aug 26 Tue 2008 19:06
repost 貝汀菲兒 Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful of Sunshine 陽光滿行囊