Sticky & Sweet Tour in Nice.... The time is near!
You can read the whole story in French at this link.
瑪丹娜「火辣&甜蜜Sticky & Sweet」世界巡迴演唱會,23日在英國Cardiff 正式登場,全場娜姐連換8套衣服,身上珠寶飾品價值高達100萬英鎊(約台幣5817萬元)。雖因為使用太多資源被批不環保,但仍然吸引4萬多名粉絲到場欣賞,更大讚瑪丹娜為「永遠的女神」。
August 25th, 2008
Madonna officially kicked off her Sticky & Sweet tour in Cardiff last night. She did a bunch of stuff, all of which were gross. She looks like a character from one of Tim Burton’s movies. I take it back. Even Tim Burton would be a little freaked out while watching this. At some point during the concert, I’m positive people wondered how Madonna hid her penis so well.
And is she blowing a kiss in the header photo? They should have videotaped the crowd when she did that. It would be funny to see thousands of fans bat the air with their hands trying to knock the kiss down before it reached their faces.