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FR:Filles Sourires
Emi Bond

One to watch from Montreal: 23-year old Emi Bond. A name that sounds like a headline in the Financial section, but apparently it's her real name. Emi hails from a small village, relocated to the big city when she was 5, and worked her way up in the music biz doing talent shows. I think she needs to work on her voice, sometimes she sounds a bit bland; the song featuring reggae-influeces, modern-day rock and even some electronics are good enough. Like I said, one to watch, but not quit there yet. Kamikaze is her hitsingle, Parasol ends the album and is a very nice, fragile song. Just the way I like it.

Emi Bond - Kamikaze (clip)
Emi Bond - Parasol

Parasol - Emi Bond

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