
From our friend Math's at Music 2.0: EMI has sold off their Greater China operations and though we don’t have the full details, it has also divested its interests in Japan too, and as seems likely they have now almost fully retreated from Asia.
Yesterday in London, EMI Music’s President and COO Chris Roling agreed to sell all existing shares they own in Greater China including those of EMI Taiwan, Shanghai Bu Sheng (Typhoon) music and Hong Kong’s Gold Label Entertainment to existing Greater China JV partner Typhoon Group. With this agreement, Typhoon will not only take over all of EMI’s existing artist contracts...
for the Great China region, but will also serve as the exclusive physical and digital products distributor for EMI’s international repertoire. EMI’s Chinese artists switching over to Typhoon include Jolin Tsai, Ah-mei and David Tao.
The acquisition is reported to be in the 9 figures in HK currency with EMI only retaining the right to distribute Typhoon’s recording repertoire overseas. EMI’s publishing arm which it values much more greatly than its recording assets still remains under its control, though there is every possibility that it might likewise be willing to let it go at the right price.
Much more on the developing story at Music 2.0.
Push Record Limited (Push Record is a label under EMI(China Mainland) Ltd.)
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Sony Purchases Bertelsmann's 50% Of Sony BMG
Sony has agreed to acquire Bertelsmann's 50% stake in Sony BMG and will rename it Sony Music Entertainment Inc. (SMEI). The deal is valued at $1.2 - $1.3 billion and is still subject to regulatory approval including an ongoing EU review of the original 2005 merger.
Bertelsmann had originally sought $1.5 billion for its stake in the partnership, but falling industry wide revenue projections (read about WMG's troubles) led the lower price. Sony was reportedly interested in completing the purchase to get out from under an unwieldy partnership as it tried once again to integrate the music company with its other entertainment companies and products.
Under the deal, the parties will continue to share...
current manufacturing and distribution arrangements between Sony's manufacturing subsidiary, Sony DADC, and Bertelsmann's services company, Arvato Digital Services GmbH by extending the agreements with Arvato for additional terms of up to 6 years. In addition, Bertelsmann will take over certain unspecified "European music catalog assets" from Sony BMG.
Once the transaction is completed SMEI will include such labels as Arista, Columbia, Epic, J, Jive, RCA and Zomba. Key recording artists will include Celine Dion, Alicia
Keys, Yo-Yo Ma, Bruce Springsteen, Justin Timberlake, Usher and Jay Chou.
"Music has been a vital and vibrant part of Sony's culture for over twenty years. This acquisition will allow us to achieve a deeper and more robust integration between the wide-ranging global assets of the music company and Sony's products, operating companies and affiliates. It enables us to offer a total entertainment experience to consumers," said Sir Howard Stringer, Chairman and CEO, Sony Corporation. "Over the past four years, Sony BMG has undertaken a very successful restructuring, streamlined operations and developed innovative digital partnerships that ensure it will continue to be a leader in the creation and distribution of music worldwide. It is an organization rich in talent, ideas and enthusiasm, and is a strong fit with our overall business strategy."
"After a careful and thorough review, we made the strategic decision to sell our investment in this joint venture to Sony, a step that we believe will benefit the stakeholders of both our companies," stated Hartmut Ostrowski, Chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann AG. "This move is consistent with our new growth strategy and will enable us to focus on our defined growth areas. Sony has been an excellent partner, and they are the right company to take this business to the next step and ensure that it realizes its full value and potential. We look forward to witnessing Sony Music Entertainment's exciting future under Sony's ownership."
亞洲時報 撰文 何重立
再而SONY(索尼)唱片亦與合作夥伴BMG(博德曼)達成協議,由索尼美國公司收購博多曼音樂發行公司估計值12億美元的50%股份,今後改名Sony Music Entertainment Inc.經營,即是說博多曼正式結束其音樂發行的事業,而索尼唱片與博多曼自2004年8月合作4年後,再以SONY商標推出所有的專輯。BMG, Bertelsmann Music Group,貝塔斯曼音樂集團是貝塔斯曼的六個集團成員之一,1987年成立,同年在亞洲各區成立分公司。
EMI是當今世界歷史最悠久的唱片公司,它的歷史可以說就是整個唱片業的發展史,世界許多著名的唱片廠牌和著名的音樂家都與之有淵源,公司成立於1931年,前身是1897年成立於倫敦的英國留聲機公司(Gramophone Company),由留聲機的發明者-埃米爾貝利納建立的。1931年,英國留聲機公司和英國哥倫比亞唱片公司(Columbia Phonograph)兩家公司決定聯手,合併成了Electric and Musical Industries,簡稱EMI。
據悉,原先與EMI唱片簽約合作的華語藝人合約將全數轉移至“金牌大風”,包括許巍、胡彥斌、花兒樂隊、陶喆、張惠妹、孫燕姿、蕭亞軒、蔡依林、羅志祥、鄭中基等,連同金牌原有的眾多藝人林憶蓮、軟硬天師、古巨基、方力申、 蘇永康、鄧麗欣、傅穎、吳雨霏 、梁漢文、側田、小肥等,新公司可謂人強馬壯,管理層向所屬藝人許下承諾,今後將會擴大娛樂事業版圖至音樂、電影、電視劇等不同領域。
WMG Cuts Loss To $9 Million
For the 3rd Q of 2008, domestic revenue for the Warner Music Group declined 6.5% while international was up 17.2%. When fluctuations in the value of the dollar were factored in, the losses from continuing operations were $9 million; an improvement from a loss of $16 million during the prior year quarter.
Revenue from recorded music was down 1% on a constant-currency basis. The decline in revenue reflected strength in Europe offset by declines in the U.S., Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Even music publishing suffered a drop of 0.6% on a
constant-currency basis.
Digital revenue grew 39.3% over the prior-year quarter and represented 22.7% of total recorded music revenue. In the US digital contributed 31.7%. WMG reported that major sellers for the quarter were Madonna with her last record for the label, Disturbed, Plies, Luis Miguel and a long departed Frank Sinatra. (full report)
"This quarter, we continued to outperform our competitors, even in the midst of a challenging recorded music environment," said Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music Group's Chairman and CEO. "We continue to advance our strategy to lead the recorded music industry's transition with new business models, key partnerships and successful A&R investments. As we transform the business to position it for future growth in an evolving industry, we remain focused on driving profitability and cash flow, while prudently managing capital and costs."
WMG Stock Falls After Downgrade
Warner Music Group stock fell 11% yesterday after a Golman Sachs analyst downgraded the stock from Neutral to Sell. Ingrid Chung said WMG will find it difficult to manage costs as revenue continues to drop. U.S. album sales fell 11% in the first 6 months of 2008 according to Nielsen SoundScan.
``WMG will find it increasingly difficult to improve its U.S. market share, after six straight quarters of doing so,'' said Chung. She cut her revenue forecast for the company to $783 million from $830 million.Is it finally time to cut costs in the executive suite as EMI has done? Or maybe Edgar and Lyor will finally take me up on Hypebot's challenge to work for $1 plus bonuses like Steve Jobs.
Google Launches MP3 Search In China
It’s certainly game on as Google takes on Baidu’s illegal mp3 search with legal links from its search results provided by local music service Top 100.cn for free streaming, free mp3 downloads and lyrics supported by advertising revenue, and paid Caller RingBack Tones via China Mobile - with rights being cleared by most major labels (with probably one major holdout), publishers and a number of domestic labels for mainly Chinese music...Google will be sharing advertising revenue - traffic being tracked via watermarking - with all content providers via Top 100.
from Math's @ Music 2.0.
iTunes Top US Music Retailer, Amazon Gains
According to NPD,
the five leading music retailers in the U.S. for the first half of 2008 based on combined purchases of CDs and a-la-carte downloads were:
2. Wal-Mart (Walmart, Walmart.com, Walmart.com)
3. Best Buy (Best Buy, Bestbuy.com, Best Buy Digital)
4. Amazon (Amazon.com, AmazonMP3.com)
5. Target (Target and Target.com)
NPD’s data reflects the shift from physical to digital, as iTunes maintained their leadership position reached earlier this year. Amazon rose from fifth place to fourth n the period because...
“We expect Apple will consolidate its lead in the retail music market, as CD sales continue to slow,” said Russ Crupnick, entertainment industry analyst for The NPD Group. “Amazon’s CD buyers tend to be older, so they haven’t abandoned the CD format to the extent seen in the average music buyer. Plus Amazon’s successful introduction of its digital download store will help the company improve its position in the future.”
The information was derived from surveys of U.S. consumers, age 13 and older, reporting on their purchases of physical product (CDs), digital music, and wireless over-the-air (OTA) transactions -- excluding ringtones. Purchases from retailer Web sites and brick-and-mortar stores are combined in this ranking. NPD uses an equivalency of 12 single-track downloads per CD, for retailers who sell digital music as single tracks. In addition, NPD only tracks digital music sold by the song or album, not music purchased under subscription from services like eMusic, or subscription revenues from Rhapsody and Napster.