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(Those Were The Days)

The Olympics opening ceremony yesterday was really a fairly successful "show." But what is behind that "show"? What is it about Chinese culture that this show revealed? Or is it just a variety show that is westernised but produced better than the west can? The more I watched, the more I felt that is shallow and overplayed. This opening ceremony showed the strength of China, but it did not show Chinese culture! ...

As a friend in politics told me, the show put too much emphasis on the accomplishments of China at a time when the trend in the world is towards frugality, subtlety and low-profile. By contrast, this opening ceremony was too flashy and it may not be a good thing for China!

The Chinese Communists needs to affirm its accomplishments after the reforms, and many Chinese people have shone in their economic prowess. That is undeniably true, and there is every reason to be proud. But how much money was spent on this show? The Beijing City Olympics Economic Development Committee senior advisor Huang Wei said that the central government has invested 520 billion RMB on the Olympics since 2001. Although the expenses of the Olympics opening ceremony is less than 1% of that total, several hundred millions of RMB must have been invested to produce the four hours that was the opening ceremony. Over the next two weeks or so, the Chinese people will feel great that they have finally stood up. But after the Beijing Olympics is over, the problems of China will not disappear. The rich-poor gap will continue to exist, the people will still be deprived of their rights, the human rights problem will remain and corruption among government officials will continue to exist!

Has China really risen? ...










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