Shanachie Entertainment
Smooth Jazz/Lounge

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Streetwize,一個相當經典的Urban Jazz演奏樂隊。
擔任演奏的成員分別為,AutumnRowe,IsaacClemons, Phil Perry, Tim Maia (和聲),Adam Rogers, RandyBowland(吉他),DaveMann (長笛),Chris "Big Dog" Davis (鍵盤)和KimWaters(薩克司風).初次看封面以為是個黑人女歌手,可是聽到了歌曲才發現根本沒有人在演唱,卻不時傳來悠揚浪漫的薩克司風聲,以及輕揚的長笛...這是個樂器演奏團體隊,無庸質疑.

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Streetwize在前一張名為"SexyLove"(2007/5/22)的專輯中特別將一些大牌歌手的經典歌曲重新演奏,讓我來看看都有哪些歌曲你曾經聽過呢?主打同同名歌曲"SexyLove"(Ne-Yo),流暢的旋律伴著浪漫迷人的薩克司風聲,敲起陣陣耐人尋味的心靈節奏...也許這就是Streetwize最想表達的音樂情感吧.還有"Charlene" (Anthony Hamilton), TakeMeAs I Am (Mary J. Blige),Promise (Ciara), Lost Without U (RobinThicke),ChangeMe(RubenStuddard)...等許多歌手的作品...最為感觸的是在長笛的運用上,唯美而華麗....已經很久沒有聽過這般抒情怡人的Jazz輕音樂了,相信Streetwize一定會把你感動!

  在《Streetwize Does Mary J. Blige》這張新唱片中,更是HIP-HOP+JAZZ的炫麗曲風,浪漫細膩,但不失動感!這樣的唱片絕對不是普通的流行音樂唱片所能比擬的!

Streetwize Allstars - Streetwize Does Mary J. Blige

01. Be Happy - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
02. Family Affair - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
03. Not Gon' Cry - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
04. Love No Limit - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
05. I Can Love You - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
06. Real Love - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
07. I'm Goin' Down - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
08. All That I Can Say - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
09. Mary Jane (All Night Long) - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
10. Be Without You - (with The Streetwize Allstars)
11. Just Fine - (with The Streetwize Allstars)

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