【聯合晚報╱國際新聞組/綜合報導】 2008.07.30 03:00 pm
Source: www.GutterUncensored.com

A 5.4 magnitude quake is considered by the USGS to be "moderate," which can cause slight damage to buildings and others structures. About 500 can happen globally each year, the survey says.
The quake's magnitude classification fluctuated as seismologists reviewed the data. Initially classified as a magnitude 5.8, the quake's intensity was reduced to a 5.6 and then to a 5.4.
Because the earthquake magnitude scale is exponential, a 5.8 magnitude quake is four to five times more intense than a 5.4.
Witnesses reported feeling the shaking strongly in neighboring Orange County and as far south as San Diego.
In downtown Los Angeles, tall buildings swayed from side to side for a few seconds and workers poured into the streets.
Los Angeles city officials evacuated City Hall.
People returned to many buildings after some 15 minutes.
Anaheim Police Sgt. Ken Seymour said:
"It’s too early to tell if there’s any major damage but all units are checking overpasses, bridges and tall buildings."
I would describe it as a strong jolt followed by a rolling motion, and swaying back and forth, that lasted about 20 seconds in Los Angeles. The aftershocks will continue throughout the day, and so far there have been about 30.

Los Angeles is the most populous city in California and the
second-most populous urban area in the United States. According to 2000 Census Bureau figures, about 3.6 million people live in Los Angeles.