Stern's Map Of China (07/19/2008) (Global Times via Tianya, 6park)

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The Germany magazine Stern's website carried a article titled: "Gigant China: Die kapitalistischen Kommunisten" which was accompanied by a background map. In this map, it did not indicate Taiwan as a part of China. Worse yet, Tibet was marked as part of China but it was given a different color. Chinese netizens question whether the Stern editors lack basic knowledge or else they are deliberately misinforming their readers.

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When the Global Times reporter contacted Stern, whose spokesperson said that they have to go through a process of understanding what happened before a reply can be provided. But even before the reply came, the Stern website can changed the coloring of Tibet, although the boundary line is still there.

[ESWN Comment: Chinese netizens did not praise Stern for other items on the same page, such as the photos in Das Land der Superlative and the test of knowledge about China in Wie gut kennen Sie China?. You should check them out instead of worrying about the hurt feelings of the Chinese people.]

環球時報駐德國特約記者張銘報導 17日,德國《明星》雜誌網路版在首頁刊登重要文章,題目為“資本主義化的共產主義者——龐然大物中國”。文章的目的在於向德國讀者介紹奧運會舉辦國中國。在文章配發的背景資料中,有一張中國地圖。圖中有一處明顯錯誤,即沒有把臺灣劃為中國的領土。另有一處故意模糊的錯誤,這就是對於西藏的處理。該圖採取了比較曖昧的處理手法,雖然將其劃為中國領土,但是使用的背景顏色與中國其他地區的顏色明顯不同。

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