瑪丹娜婚變未定 緋聞男友妻子已申請離婚
週一,紐約洋基隊明星阿里克斯-羅德里奎茲(Alex Rodriguez)的妻子辛西婭-羅德里奎茲(Cynthia Rodriguez)正式提交了離婚申請。據悉,她離婚的原因是因為無法忍受丈夫對於婚姻的不忠。就在幾天之前,阿里克斯-羅德里奎茲被卷入了與瑪丹娜(Madonna)的緋聞之中。而在事件曝光之後,辛西婭馬上就前往了巴黎,逃避紐約媒體的瘋狂追逐。
休斯頓律師厄爾-莉莉(Earle Lilly)透露,她已經被辛西婭聘請並啟動離婚程序,據她稱,阿里克斯與瑪丹娜的緋聞只是離婚的導火索,她此前就已多次容忍阿里克斯的花心。除了厄爾,辛西婭還聘請了邁阿密律師莫里斯-卡特納(Maurice Kutner)和安東尼-薩巴蒂諾(Sabatino)以及休斯頓律師約翰-範-尼斯(John Van Ness)作為她律師團成員。
關于與瑪丹娜的緋聞,阿里克斯-羅德里奎茲一直拒絕評論,而瑪丹娜此前已經發表了一份聲明,聲明稱:“我與我的丈夫打算離婚。我是通過蓋-奧賽瑞(Guy Oseary)認識阿里克斯的,他是我們共同的經紀人。我也曾帶我的孩子去現場看過揚基隊比賽,但是我和阿里克斯之間並沒有任何感情糾葛。”
Cynthia Rodriguez split with husband Alex Rodriguez days ago. The reasons that lead to Cynthia and A-Rod to part away possibly will remain unknown for some time. Apparently the 34-year-old blonde is accusing of pop diva Madonna. According to New York Daily News, a heartbroken Cynthia Rodriguez had told her close friend that Madonna is using kabbalah to lure the Yankees's baseball star.
"I feel like Madonna is using mind control over him. I don't recognize the man he's become," Cynthia Rodriguez reportedly said.
File photo: Alex Rodriguez, aka A-Rod and wife Cynthia Rodriguez were seen attending the grand opening of 40/40 Club Sports Bar and Lounge at the Palazzo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV, on December 30, 2007. (Picture credit: Erik Kabik/PR Photos)
A-Rod’s wife left him
Alex Rodriguez’s wife, Cynthia, has finally left him after a tumultuous three months in their five year marriage. This news comes two days after reports of A-Rod having an affair with Madonna and one day after reports of Cynthia having an affair with Lenny Kravitz. Today, the NYDN says Lenny Kravitz is merely giving Cynthia a place to stay. (Yea, IN HIS PANTS!)
“There is absolutely no affair between Cynthia Rodriguez and myself,” Kravitz said. “This is unequivocally 100 percent not true.”
Kravitz said references to him as an adulterer were “extremely hurtful,” adding that Cynthia came to stay at his home “to escape from everything happening in New York City.”
He says this now, but when rumors start surfacing of him sitting across from Cynthia in a half-open bathrobe going “Hello, Missus Rodriguez,” while spreading his legs, I’m going to be a little suspicious.
Madonna and A-Rod are doing it