Taiwan By The Numbers (06/28/2008) (TVBS) (837 persons age 20 or over were interviewed by telephone. Telephone numbers were randomly selected from the telephone directory, and then the last four digits were randomized)
Q1. Do the Nationalist Party (Kuomingtang) and the Democratic Progressive Party value public opinion?

Blue=Nationalist (Kuomintang), Green=Democratic Progressive Party; horizontal axis are year/month (with the year being dated from 1911,
or the year of birth of the Republic of China)

Q2. Do you think that the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and the Democratic Progressive Party are clean (i.e. not corrupt)?

[Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6 are about vitality, reform, unity and self-reflection and can be found by clicking on the link.]

Q7. How satisfied are you with the performance of the Nationalist (KMT) party over the past month as the ruling party?
3%: Very satisfied
27%: Somewhat satisfied
27%: Somewhat dissatisfied
29%: Very dissatisfied

13%: No opinion

Q8. How satisfied are you with the performance of the Democratic Progressive Party in monitoring the government over the past month?
6%: Very satisfied
31%: Somewhat satisfied
28%: Somewhat dissatisfied
21%: Very dissatisfied
14%: No opinion

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