2008/06/27 updated!!

6025 176 715-15

★AP推薦:「你必須知道的百組樂團」、New York Times讚譽:「她的風格絕對能立刻引起廣大矚目」
★古靈精怪20歲小女生Jessica領軍,交出完整首張錄音室大碟,有請新生代備受矚目製作高手S*A*M(Carole King、Kelly Rowland、Gym Class Heroes)操盤★


還沒正式對外發行專輯,卻紛紛登入AP雜誌:「百組樂團你必須知道」行列、New York Times讚譽:「她的風格絕對能立刻引起廣大矚目」。如同一位音樂精靈般地輕巧把玩搖滾樂的多樣可能性,年輕美麗的外型、創意十足的理念,Charlotte Sometimes會是你鎖定目標的下一組明日之星!

你可稱她Charlotte Sometimes,也可以直呼Jessica Charlotte Poland,這位來自美國紐澤西州,才剛滿20歲的小女生,14歲時就會邊彈吉他邊創作歌曲,更於2007年身懷絕技的主導起Charlotte Sometimes樂團,並身兼詞曲創作、主唱、吉他手等職位,另外加上鍵盤手/合音Coley O’Toole、貝斯手Shaun Savage、吉他手PJ Bond、鼓手Spencer Peterson等志同道合的夥伴。短短一年的時間,Charlotte Sometimes便簽入Geffen Records旗下,速度之快,令許多亟欲出頭的新秀們羨慕不已。

經過首張同名EP的洗禮後,交出完整錄音室大碟【Waves and The Both Of Us】,請到新生代備受矚目的製作高手S*A*M(Carole King、Kelly Rowland、Gym Class Heroes)操盤。打從開場曲“Losing Sleep”開始,明亮的節奏藍調律動交融在搖滾主幹裡頭,碰撞出電子合成聲響,營造一種毫無界線的混搭概念;大聲表態女性自主的“How I Could Just Kill A Man”,帶著一種嘲諷的語氣演唱著,覆蓋所有討喜律動,令人回味不已;同名單曲“Waves And The Both Of Us”從編曲到咬字,呈現一支英國味濃厚的作品;犀利的詞句狠度不輸Alanis Morissette之“Sweet Valium High”,卻包裹輕盈順暢Piano-Rock之風格,結束在兩分四十秒中,一氣呵成且過癮十足;相當率性的“Toy Soldier”,以交雜唸唱且漫不經心的詮釋法演繹;似乎堅強許久的情緒完全在“Build The Moon”之中徹底瓦解,反透出小女人對情愛的渴望和請求,是首簡單動聽的抒情小品。這位古靈精怪的小女生,將給你一次最精采的音樂奇幻旅程。

長相不差 唱的不賴...Geffen出品

Charlotte Sometimes has been singing since before she could talk. Even as a baby, music was the language she understood best. Her charisma and love of an audience seemed a perfect match for musical theater, so she spent her first 13 years in a blur of voice and dance lessons. But as an adolescent, all that staring in the mirror drew Charlotte to a different form of self-expression: poetry. She decided to teach herself to play guitar so she could set her poems to her favorite medium, and that's when she discovered her true passion.

Nu-Jazz / Alternative / Pop

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Band Members
Charlotte - Lead vocals, guitar, songwriting
Coley - Keys and backup vocals
Spencer - Drums
PJ- Guitar
Shaun- Bass
ipod - ipod

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1. Losing Sleep 3:50
2. How I Could Just Kill A Man 2:53

3. Waves and the Both of Us 3:36
4. Sweet Valium High 2:40
5. Ex Girlfriend Syndrome 3:09
6. AEIOU 3:10
7. Toy Soldier 2:55
8. This Is Only For Now 2:54
9. In Your Apartment 3:54
10. Army Men 3:34
11. Build the Moon 4:17
12. Pilot 3:14

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