國際巨星何耀珊最近和美國樂壇傳奇人物奧莉維亞紐-頓強(Olivia Newton-John)合作,為奧莉維亞即將發行的benefit CD錄制新歌“充滿希望與鼓勵的歌曲:奧莉維雅與她的朋友(Songs of Hope and Inspiration: Olivia and Friends)”。其它參與在這張專輯的歌手還有凱斯-厄本(Keith Urban)、理查德-馬爾克斯(Richard Marx)、克里夫.李察(Cliff Richard)與黛爾塔.古德拉姆(Delta Goodrem)。
《Isn’t It Amazing》這首歌將會出現在奧莉維亞最新專輯當中,紀念的她抗癌事跡,與前進北京的活動。前進北京的活動于4月7日展開,為期21天,奧莉維亞帶領一群人在北京行走,支持抗癌活動。而《Isn’t It Amazing》由艾每史凱(Amy Sky)制作,演唱人為何耀珊(在紐約進行錄音工作)以及奧莉維亞(在澳洲進行錄音工作),而兩位歌手近日在紐約會面,并在懷克里夫金的白金錄音室聆聽最后完成作品。
Music and Lyric: Andrew Hagger and Andrew Naylor
Verse 1 (Olivia)
Shadows of the past are here again
Bittersweet intentions like sunshine in the rain
Secrets still suggested in each step
But there's mercy in the echoes for all the tears I've wept
For every time I've crashed inside
Or fallen on the broken pieces I've locked inside
Chorus (Olivia & Sun)
Isn't it amazing that the dawn arrives each day
To sweep across the darkness with a hope that finds a way
Isn't it amazing when every mountain seems so tall
That here I am another day taking on the mystery of it all
Verse 2 (Sun)
So many times I've climbed upon a wall
To dwell amongst its ruins aching from the fall
Lost within the open ends of life
Then found beneath its riches, courted by its heights
The dark and light of life collide
And grace that I don't understand is here by my side
Chorus (Olivia & Sun)
Bridge (Olivia & Sun)
All … every moment
All that every day gives
It all comes to this
That to love is to live
Chorus (Olivia & Sun)
Coda (Olivia & Sun)
Another day, another way
Another step, it's so amazing
I'm here today, my heart can say
Another day, it's so amazing
dL:何耀珊&Olivia - Isn't It Amazing
... 能在北京紫禁城內的東苑戲樓演唱具百年歷史的奧運主題曲
... 在懷克里夫金Wyclef Jean最新的MV Fast Car中客串令人討厭的反派角色
... 和我所喜愛的女歌手奧莉薇亞紐頓強Olivia Newton-John一同為她的癌症慈善活動錄製一首歌曲!
I can barely breathe from all the excitement! 還有我上个月錄了一首對我意義甚大的華文單曲,最近也剛
在台灣推出 ... 希望你們會喜歡!
同時, 看看這些影片吧:
Wyclef Jean - Fast Car [Official Music Video Premiere]:
Fast Car Video Shoot (Wyclef Jean and Sun)
Love SUN