Sharon Stone apologizes for remark on China quake

"Due to my inappropriate words and acts during the interview, I feel deeply sorry and sad about hurting Chinese people," Stone said in the statement. "I am willing to take part in the relief work of China's earthquake, and wholly devote myself to helping affected Chinese people."

Sharon Stone為“地震報應說”道歉稱愿參與救助

北京時間昨(28日)晚,Sharon Stone經紀人通過媒體向中國人民道歉,以下為道歉信全文:



Sharon Stone經紀人:Karen Sellars
Branded Entertainment ICM

輿論施壓 海外也挨痛罵

5月26日,美國女演員Sharon Stone在一次代言活動中說中國的地震是一次“報應”,引起了我國各界的一致譴責,她的這種言論遭到了英文網站網友的痛罵。

斯通發言的當天此事并未引起英文媒體的重視,而當中國媒體大規模報道之后,5月28日此事引起了英文媒體的很大關注。雅虎網站把此事和中國的反應放在娛樂新聞的頭條位置,題目是:《Sharon Stone:地震是“壞報應”?》各大媒體也紛紛報道了此事。

Sharon Stone's China Earthquake Karma Speech Condemned by Chinese Netizens
Monday, May 26, 2008

Sharon Stone did the charity. According to, Sharon Stone gave away US$100,000 as personal donation and auctioned her own vintage Porsche 911 Targa for US$ 810,00 on the gala of amfAR's Cinema Against AIDS 2008 during 2008 Cannes Film Festival.

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Sharon Stones @ 2008 Cannes Film Festival - amfAR's Cinema Against AIDS 2008, May 17 (Picture credit: Pixplanete/PR Photos)

Together with Pop of the Queen Madonna, Sharon Stone raised US$ 10,000,000 which will be channeled to the Amfar, the American Foundation for Aids Research, founded by actress Elizabeth Taylor.

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Sharon Stones @ 2008 Cannes Film Festival - amfAR's Cinema Against AIDS 2008, May 17 - (Picture credit: Pixplanete/PR Photos)

Contrary to her kindness showed above, Sharon Stone revealed her dark basic instinct--mixing Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake with politics (Dalai Lama and his Tibet issues) then hinting it is the karma for China--when being asked about her ideas for the disaster by the Hong Kong Cable TV (video here). Her "brainless" & "heartless" speech has been condemned by Chinese netizens as well as their foreign counterparts.

Below are some examples what those angry people said:

if earthquakes are karmas, then the 911 event must a natural disaster. Sharon Stone must be a genius!!! Youtube user--TensaZ

Apparently, Ms. Stone shares similar opinion with Falun Gong practitioners and the Westboro Baptist Church——the lives of more than 60,000 people claimed by the earthquake, including many of her beloved ‘Tibetans’ and thousands of children, are all deserved to die, because she is not happy about the Chinese government’s policy. I guess the same thing goes for people died in the tsunami, 9/11, Katrina, and Myanmar cyclone——well, God and Bin Laden don’t like whatever your government did, so go to hell.

There is no need to protest the hypocrisy of a brainless Hollywood porn star or those human rights activists, as this is what they always do. Ten seconds ago she was still preaching “I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else”, then there came this malicious curse to ordinary people she doesn’t even know——face your karma, rot in hell! Where is the human rights now? Where is the “compassion”? And by the way, where is Dalai Lama’s effort to help those “suffered”——a lot of them are Tibetans, living in the great Tibetan area he always wants to ‘free’?Is ‘karma ‘ all he can teach? Is it the Karma for people who are still worshiping him?

The worst and most shameless part yet to come. “…sometimes you have to learn to put your head down to be of service, even for people who are not nice to you…” My fellow Chinese, my parents and friends who are still suffering in Sichuan, can you feel the mercy and grace from Her Holiness Sharon Stone? -- The New Voice

Anger and disgust! So this is a follower of the so called Nobel Peace Prize winner Dalai Lama. The victims include Qiang, Tibetan and Han people. The dead and injured are real and ordinary citizens. How could politics be mixed up with a natural disaster like earthquake? And to describe the tragedy with the word “interesting”! I curse Sharon Stone. Let all the heartbreaking events in this world be linked to her family; to all these she love and “friends” she would follow. Let all the suffering of the injured and those who lost loved ones be passed to this woman. You believe in karma? OK, one life is not enough for you to pay back. Let the pains follow you through your reincarnations, over and over. --Youtube user Ivyagree via Speak4China

It's such a disgrace that she could speak of 60,000 and growing lives so viciously. I'd also like to point out that the epic center of this earthquake,Aba County in Sichuan Province, is heavily populated by Tibetan Minority. How ironic her remarks sounds for somebody who actually has some basic understanding of Tibet issue.--Youtube user Jamesprc

And a petition

to call the cosmetics giant Dior to withdraw Sharon Stone's advertisements:

Dear Dior,

As a Chinese consumer of Dior, I am very disappointed with Dior’s spokesperson, Ms. Sharon Stone’s comments to the Sichuan earthquake recently, as she takes this heavy lost of lives and a humanitarian disaster as a "Karma" for Chinese people’s "wrong deeds". This kind of remarks deeply hurt Chinese people’s feeling and are totally unacceptable. I’ve been using Dior’s cosmetic and skincare products for years and your makeup foundations and the Dior Snow line have been

my favorites, however, I’m gonna boycott Dior’s product from now on until you terminate the Capture Totale endorsement with Ms. Stone, and that’s because:

1, Ms. Stone shows no basic sympathy to Chinese people’s lives and feeling under a circumstance like this and it would definitely do harm to Dior’s brand image.

2, Talking about Dior’s brand image, the Capture Totale line’s target clientele should be women who are mature, intelligent and beautiful, but I could see nothing mature, intelligent or beautiful in Ms. Stone’s comments.

3, Yes, people just have the right to believe what they think is right. BUT It is totally unprofessional to be a spokesperson for a brand like Dior to talk about a disaster like this in public for Ms.Stone.

And I believe that I’m not alone in this, actually, many of my friends have decided to boycott Dior’s product after this happened. However, I believe that Mr. Stone’s comments do not necessarily represent Dior’s point of view and Dior does care about Chinese consumers’ feeling and cherish the Chinese market. So isn’t this a time for Dior to consider

whether it really needs a spokesperson like Ms. Sharon Stone or not. I’ll be waiting for your final decision and hopefully I would be able to walk into a department store and come to a Dior counter in the near future without the angry and disappointed feeling I’m having right now.


Sharon Stone served as auctioneer at Macy's Passport Gala 2004 Benefiting HIV and AIDS Research in Santa Monica, California, in Sept., 2004 . Her recent China Earthquake Karma Interview on Cannes Film Festival may ruin her impression as a charity ambassador. (Picture credit: Lee Roth/PR Photos)

Sharon Stone稱中國地震是“報應”


    Sharon Stone日前在戛納接受訪問時,將5·12四川大地震形容為一起“有趣的事情”,并暗指“四川地震是中國人的因果報應”。此番言論一出,立刻引起各方聲討,在戛納采訪報道的各國媒體均表示地震是自然災害,出于對人的尊重,Sharon Stone決不應該口出此言,而Sharon Stone這番言論也讓眾多中國的藝人感到震驚,并遭到大家一致的炮轟。

    當地時間5月24日,Sharon Stone在戛納出席公開活動,在被香港有線電視記者問及是否了解中國汶川地震時,突然口吐狂言,令在場眾人驚訝不已。


    Sharon Stone:當然,我知道。


    Sharon Stone:你知道,這非常有趣。因為,首先我很不高興中國對待西藏的態度,我覺得任何人都不能對別人不善。所以我一直在想,應該對這件事情做些什么。因為,我不喜歡這個樣子。我也在想,應該用什么態度來看待奧運會……然后這次發生了地震,這是不是報應呢?如果你做得不夠好,然后壞事就會發生在你身上。


    對于Sharon Stone的言論,無論是當時在戛納的各國媒體,還是聞訊后的中國演藝界和普通民眾,都感到震驚和憤怒。人們普遍認為,地震是自然災害,哪怕出于對人類個體的尊重,Sharon Stone也不應該口出此言。





    法國記者:我覺得像Sharon Stone這樣的人,說這樣的話是非常不恰當的,這是自然災難,很多無辜百姓被奪去了生命,我并不覺得這件事涉及到她說的這個層面,她實在扯得太遠了,她說這樣的話,不僅僅是尷尬的問題,而是完全弄錯了方向。




    昨天香港電影人吳思遠發起倡議:封殺Sharon Stone。采訪中,吳思遠表示,自己呼吁籌拍的賑災電影要加快速度,打鐵趁熱,而他在內地的UME院線也捐出了一百萬元善款,而對于Sharon Stone侮辱災民的言論,吳思遠表示,自己所有院線正考慮封殺她有份參與的電影,由于遇難的全是老百姓,他認為斯通的如此言論“有欠道德”。




    黃弈昨日也在博客里發表了一篇題為《無視生命者,沒有資格討論生命》的文章,聲明“出離憤怒”。她寫道:“第一次聽到有人用‘有趣’來形容5·12國難。請問Sharon Stone小姐,你是根本不了解四川大地震對中國百姓造成的生命創傷、心理創傷?還是你天生就是這么一具冷血的人體模型?什么是報應?難道百姓的性命就應該成為你口中‘政治的犧牲品’么?收起你的所謂人道,所謂仁慈吧,因為你的無知言論,才讓我感覺真正無趣。你說從四川大地震學到了一課,是的,這一課的代價,未免太大了,那是60000多中國同胞的性命;是13億中華兒女的心痛。我想說,從你的言論里,我也學到了一課,那就是———無視生命者,沒有資格討論生命!”

Sharon Stone Flashing Her Crotch in a Lindsay Lohan Like Upskirt Boat Moment at Cannes



Oops! Sharon Stone is following in Lindsay Lohan's foot steps at the Cannes Film Fastival with her own Sharon Stone upskirt boat pictures. The old hag want some of the attention the young Hollywood skanks are getting with moves like the one she is pulling in the photos below. Click on pictures to enlarge.


Sharon Vonne Stone (born March 10, 1958in Meadville, Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American Golden Globe- and Emmy-winning actress, producer, and former fashion model. She came to international attention for her performance in the 1992 Hollywood blockbuster film Basic Instinct. She was nominated for an Academy Award for best actress for her role in Casino, won a Golden Globe for her role in Casino, and has won an Emmy Award.

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