
(05/14/2008) (Hecaitou's Blog)

At 2:18am, one of my young friends posted the following item titled at the Nanjing University student bulletin board. He wrote:

My home is in Beichuang, where 5,000 out of 13,000 residents are dead
The mountain city of the past is now a city of the dead
There is no news about my parents and family
Mianyang is calling for young people to bring tools and water to render help
I must return
I believe that I will be facing a waste land
but I will be able to embrace my parents
I have nothing more to say
I shall depart early in the morning
I am not afraid
I did not cry
There are still surviving family members who needs solace from me
There are plenty more other things waiting for me to do
I have faith
I won't say anything more
I am packing and I will travel by car to Shanghai and then fly back
Everybody please pray for me
The brothers at the Chemistry Department will support me!

In this post, I was moved most of all by the statement "I believe that I will be facing a waste land but I will be able to embrace my parents." At this time, as the son of his parents, he has made his own choice. As his compatriots, what should we choose under the circumstances?

At this time, the discussions about whether the Olympic torch relay should be cancelled, or the engineering quality of the elementary schools, or the speed of mobilization of the army, or the calculation of the fortune of this hear seeks almost shameful to me. Stopping the Olympic torch relay, or arresting all the construction contractors, or assembling one million soldiers from around the country, or reading the fortunes of the dynasty are of no help to the victims. Instead, it only increases arguments and fears. Everybody should pause and imagine being buried under the debris while the cold rain falls outside: What is your most urgent need? Could it be those 'brilliant' ideas?

Therefore, I am grateful to all those people who sent SMS to me. This is the first time that I was not upset at receiving these grouped messages. We should be able to donate out of love to the Red Cross, and we ought to do so.

I also thank those friends who donate blood. We cannot go to the disaster areas, but our warm blood can go there. If our blood is warm and bountiful, no compatriots will turn cold slowly in the rain. Yes, we have blood in addition to money.

I also want to thank those netizens who provide various information about how to offer help. I thank those friends who are silently praying. I thank all those who performed good deeds.

At this moment, we ought to put aside all the arguments and prejudices. We should unite and fight to save every life possible. Today, more than half of the population in China only know about the Tangshan earthquake through books and oral tradition. We are now facing yet another Tangshan earthquake. At Tangshan, more than 200,000 people perished. This time, we will not permit this to happen again. Perhaps the Heavens have decided each generation should suffer such an catastrope, but we have decided that we will save more lives each time. We will not be tired and we will never give up.

My young friend made his choice: he wants to go back home even if it is a waste land and even if he dies, he wants to die with his parents. As for us, we should not choose to curse people, we should choose to make accusations, we should not choose anger and we should choose to embrace. We cannot make time reverse itself and bring the dead back to life. But we can embrace closely and then there is a hope.

Amidst the ruins, this hope is the only thing that can uplift and comfort people. At a moment like this, I would not say "God bless China." I can only say that God helps those who help themselves. I only believe in holding each other tight and feeling the warmth of the embrace.

昨天凌晨2时18分,我的一个学弟yongchen87 在南京大学小百合论坛发布了一个帖子:《大家为我祈祷吧》,他在帖子里说:
























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