Original Release Date: May 20, 2008
Label: Hollywood Records/EMI
★ Sean Garrett (碧昂絲、亞瑟小子、天命真女、小野貓)、The-Dream(蕾哈娜、珍娜傑克森、瑪莉亞凱莉)、及J. R. Rotem(五角、珍妮佛羅培茲、布蘭妮) 流行樂壇鐵三角精采領航,飛向小傑音樂新紀元
☆ 特別加收小傑重新詮釋與Ryan Tedder 共同創作、「英國星光美聲新天后」里歐娜 英美冠軍名曲〈Bleeding Love〉
☆ 內附中文歌詞小海報
Hey baby girl, I’ve been watching you all day (all day x3)
Man that thing you got behind you is amazing (amazing x3)
You make me want to take you out and let it rain (let it rain x3)
I know you got a man but this is what you should say
Why don’t you tell him that I’m leavin’ never to come back again
You found somebody who does it better than he can
No more making you cry, no more them gray skies
Girl we flying on the G5 G5
And I’m leavin’ never to come back again…
So go on shawty and tell him you found a new man
The one who’s so so fly
The one that keep you high
Have me singing all night night night
Oh oh oh (repeat) man she gonna sing
Oh oh oh oh (repeat)
Now if I talk it girl, you know that I will walk it out (walk it out x3)
Man I’ll put my money (money) where my mouth is (mouth is x3)
Cause you the baddest little thing that I’ve ever seen (ever seen x3)
So ima ask you one time if you got a man
Why don’t you tell him that I’m leavin’ never to come back again
You found somebody who does it better than he can
No more making you cry, no more them gray skies
Girl we flying on a G5 G5
And I’m leavin’ never lookin back again…
So go on shawty and tell him you found a new man
The one who’s so so fly
The one that keep you high
Have me singing all night night night
Oh oh oh (repeat) man she gonna sing
Oh oh oh oh (repeat)
Don’t stress, don’t stress, don’t stress
Just tell him to the left left left
Don’t stress, don’t stress, don’t stress
Cause we gone & we gone & we gone
No stress, no stress, no stress
Girl you deserve nothing but the best
No stress, no stress, no stress
Girl you need to tell him…
That I’m leavin’ never to come back again
You found somebody who does it better than he can
No more making you cry, no more them gray skies
Girl we flying on a G5 G5
And I’m leavin’ never to come back again…
So go on shawty and tell him you found a new man
The one who’s so so fly
The one that keep you high
Have me singing all night night night
Oh oh oh (repeat) man she gonna sing
Oh oh oh oh (repeat)
Just two years ago 21 year-old Jesse McCartney dropped his sophomore album "Right Where You Want Me". Now he is getting ready to release his Third which has just had a early leak! His current single "Leavin'" is currently doing great on radio and is currently #3 on iTunes.
Jesse is another artist who has decided to change in musical style, compared to his previous releases. The album definitely proves that Jesse is no longer a little boy, but a matured artist who is fighting for success. From the addictive melodies to the hard hitting club beats Jesse went all out. The help from producers The-Dream, Sean Garrett, and J.R. Rotem also make the album a great effort. I'm looking forward to what else he has in store for us...deff check it out, and BUY YOUR COPY MAY 20TH!!
1. Leavin' 遠走高飛
2. It's Over玩完了
3. Rock You搞定妳
4. How Do You Sleep? 妳 睡得好嗎?
5. Into Ya 愛上妳
6. Make Up素顏美人
7. My Baby小北鼻 8. Told You So早說過
9. Relapse錯了又錯
10. Runnin'逃避愛情
11. Freaky狂歡夜
12. Not Your Enemy不是妳的敵人
13. Bleeding Love蔓延的愛【亞洲限定版bonus track】
★ 以首張專輯【Beautiful Soul /天使的心】在全球大破白金,出生於紐約的傑西麥卡尼,自小就開始參加地區性音樂劇的演出,小傑16歲開始展開個人的音樂事業,2004年發行的首張個人專輯《Beautiful Soul /天使的心》,迅速在全球賣出150 萬張,更在台灣地區的G-MUSIC風雲榜、五大金榜都奪下冠軍寶座,還連冠Hito-radio、飛碟電台、 ICRT、 KISSRADIO四大電台,更以超高人氣拿下2005雅虎台灣搜尋榜西洋藝人第一名,創下無人匹敵的人氣紀錄。不僅銷售成功,小傑也獲得許多獎項的肯定,其中包括榮獲美國音樂獎(American Music Award)提名最佳新進藝人(Best New Artist)、MTV音樂大獎(MTV Award)提名最佳音樂錄影帶(Best Pop Video),以及Teen Choice Awards頒發的Breakout Artist、Choice Male Artist、Crossover Artist三項大獎!早已成為流行樂壇最受矚目的小傑,於2006年9月發行的第二張專輯《真情守候/Right Where You Want Me》,展現小傑音樂更豐富的一面,這張作品同樣在台灣開出白金唱片的傲人成績!
★ 這位擁有燦爛微笑的樂壇金童,帶著他的迷人風采,推出大家等候以久的第三張成績單,這張專輯定名為《DEPARTURE/航向未來》,我們可清楚感受到,和之前的作品比較起來,更為直接大膽、瀰漫著更多的都會氣息。 而小傑無論在音樂上或是樣貌上,都更加地成熟洗鍊,已從昔日的「陽光小王子」,慢慢蛻變成一位擁有獨特魅力的潮流型男。新輯特地集結目前流行樂壇,最炙手可熱的三大王牌製作人:由Sean Garrett(碧昂絲、亞瑟小子、天命真女、小野貓)、The-Dream(蕾哈娜、珍娜傑克森、瑪莉亞凱莉)、及J. R. Rotem(五角、珍妮佛羅培茲、布蘭妮)共同掌舵,航向小傑的音樂新紀元!在旋律上以復古曲式鋪陳,再將時代感注入歌曲當中,首發單曲〈遠走高飛Leavin’〉,是由樂壇怪傑Tricky,以及打造Rihanna旋風單曲〈小雨傘Umbrella〉的幕後推手團隊The-Dream一同製作,這首帶有R&B氣息,以過耳不忘的旋律,加上碎烈且俱侵略性的時尚元素,嶄新的小傑讓人驚艷不已;Sean Garrett現身表演的〈搞定妳Rock You〉,小傑男人味全開,在張牙舞爪的節奏裡,瞬間擄獲你的心,帶來不一樣的表現;〈愛上妳Into Ya〉是一首散發性感韻味、十分親密、佈滿感官刺激、同時又有浪漫感受的出色單曲;而〈妳 睡得好嗎? How Do You Sleep?〉,在失眠夜裡邁向夜空,努力地走出一段已經終止的美好初戀;來自紐約的Eric Hudson為小傑量聲訂做了,一首中版抒情歌曲〈早說過Told You So〉,而J.R. Rotem製作的〈小北鼻My Baby〉,小傑善用80年代的唱腔,道出一段純純的愛戀;和Madd Scientist一同合作,帶點放克曲式的〈狂歡夜Freaky〉, 舞感四射、節奏明朗,小傑展現強悍的音樂光芒。
★ 小傑開心地表示,這張新作,讓他降落在一個讓自己感到最安全、最有信心的音樂區域裡,無論是音樂風格、嶄新的聲線、或是詞曲想表達的意境,藉由《DEPARTURE/航向未來》,相信所有小傑迷,會看到他全新的蛻變,和他一起邁向充滿驚奇的新音樂時代!亞洲限定版還加收小傑原汁原味獻唱與Ryan Tedder 共同創作、「英國星光美聲新天后」里歐娜的英美冠軍名曲〈Bleeding Love〉。
★ 05/06~05/31請密切鎖定 八大、[V]、三立、中天... 預購+正式發片廣告與MV播歌 密集曝光