Genre : Rock/Pop
Year : 2008
阿姆(Eminem) 和 愛爾頓強(Elton John)的歌曲remix後的全新組合Eminelton,由於結合了強叔擅長的抒情搖滾、70' DISCO、爵士曲風,整張專輯充滿了在lounge bar裡喝加冰威士忌的慵懶感受,左以微微的hiphop bass和阿姆擅長充滿內心戲的饒舌...阿姆和強叔合作已經不是第一次了,早在先前葛來美頒獎典禮上就有過合唱經驗,Stan (Live) 歌曲也收錄在【精彩大結局新歌+精選】專輯中,這次透過DJ Crazy Chris充滿技巧的巧手下,融合成一張老爸與兒子可以一起聽的無齡專輯,不得不豎起大拇指啊!
DJ Crazy Chris長期就喜歡將70's、80's pop與hiphop 做remix,就我印象之前也曾經將Nas與Phill Collins、U2 與 Big Punisher Blend 歌曲作remix,廣受好評,這次又將另外兩個音樂鬼才組合在一起,妳能不聽聽看嗎?
01. Intro
02. Bennie , marshall and the jets
03. Honky warrior (ft loyd banks - nate dogg)
04. Mocking bird song
05. You don’t know rocket man (ft 50 cent)
06. Shady side of the moon
07. My bitchin’ band is back
08. Purple pill-adelphia freedom (ft. d-12)
09. Tiny toy dancing soldiers
10. Take me to the ass like that
11. Cleaning off the yellow brick road
12. Someone saved my life when i was gone
13. The way you patiently wait tonite (beat by 95)
14. Sing for the levon
15. Are you ready for the real slim shady
16. Sad songs shake that (ft. nate dogg)
17. Without my sacrifice
18.Don’t go losing my heart
19. I don’t wanna forget about dre like that (ft. dr dre)
20. Island girl vs. superman
21. Strange rain gets you mad
22. Guilty conscience seems to be the hardest (ft. dr dre)
23. Im still standing for the encore (ft 50 cent - dre)
24. Tell me when the whistle blows for business
- May 12 Mon 2008 07:14
阿姆 Eminem and Elton John - Eminelton (2008)