2 Fast 2 Furious .《玩命關頭2:飆風再起》演臥底緝毒海關那位女主角
Eva Mendes生日:1974年3月5日 身高:168 。古銅色的肌膚、驚心動魄的曲線、火辣辣的嫵媚,所有的一切無不露出幾分拉丁女子獨有的霸氣。艾娃出生在美國德克薩斯州的休斯頓,但是體內流淌著古巴人的血。作為一個拉丁裔女演員,艾娃對好萊塢的世態頗有體會。現在這種情況應該不會再有了,因為她已經被視為“自雪茄之後最棒的古巴舶來品”。
May 9th, 2008
Latin stunner, Eva Mendes, is topless and sucking her own toes in the May 2008 issue of Italian Vogue Magazine! The actress posed in a semi-dominatrix outfit, topped off with black stockings and a see-through black shirt for the seductive photospread. NSFW Pictures After The Jump.
Eva Mendes bares her soul, chest
May 8th, 2008
In Italian Vogue, stare at tons of pictures of Eva Mendes topless. In US Vogue, find out more about Drew Barrymore. Is it just me or does anyone else think the US division of Vogue knows nothing about the magazine business. A few more after the jump.