玉女「孟漢娜」半裸照曝光 輿論撻伐 2008/4/29
迪士尼的新一代偶像麥莉希拉(Miley Cyrus),以迪士尼影集「孟漢娜」(Hannah Montana)走紅,不過她最近替雜誌拍攝的一張半裸照片,卻因為尺度太大,引起輿論撻伐,也讓這位今年才15歲的新生代女星形象大受打擊。


麥莉希拉日前替知名雜誌《浮華世界》(Vanity Fair)拍攝的封面,由於裸露太多、太過性感,讓許多家長反感,認為她身為孩子心中的偶像,卻帶頭做壞榜樣。




Annie Leibovitz Miley Cyrus Nude Photo Vanity Fair Magazine Statement
April 28th, 2008

ps.Annie Leibovitz萊博維茨,被喻為二十世紀末最具影響力的女性攝影師。她出道極早,不過二十歲已替Rolling Stone工作。由於她的作品散發著女性特殊的洞悉力與銳利獨到的影像風格,沒隔幾年,Annie Leibovitz便被雜誌創辦人Jann Wenner拔擢為攝影總監,並於1975年隨著Rolling Stones樂隊巡迴全美,留下數以百計的精彩照片。Annie Leibovitz雖以搖滾攝影起家,從八零年代開始,她替Vanity Fair與Vogue等時尚雜誌拍攝的名人肖像卻讓她獲得了更廣泛的注目。

Legendary celebrity snapper Annie Leibovitz has issued a statement defending her near nude photo of Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus in the June issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.

“I’m sorry that my portrait of Miley has been misinterpreted,” Annie Leibovitz said in a statement on Monday. “Miley and I looked at fashion photographs together, and we discussed the picture in that context before we shot it. The photograph is a simple, classic portrait, shot with very little makeup, and I think it is very beautiful.”

Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair Magazine June 2008 Photoshoot
April 28th, 2008

VanityFair.com has released several behind-the-scenes images of Miley Cyrus‘ controversial topless photoshoot in the June 2008 issue of Vanity Fair. The mag has released the shots in hopes of bolstering it’s claim that the America’s Most Popular Teen and her parents were comfortable with the nature of the shoot with legendary lens crafter Annie Leibovitz; contrary to a statement released by the Disney star on Sunday.

Britney Spears Dethroned退位: Miley Cyrus Is Now The Most Searched Celebrity名人

April 28th, 2008

Kudos to Gawker for first bringing this to our attention. But it really shouldn’t be a shock to followers of pop culture. Britney Spears is getting old. There’s a new girl in town. She’s young. She’s feeding the media scandal after scandal (admittedly minor and tame). And she’s got a $1 billion empire.

britney spears verus miley cyrus

Here name is Miley Cyrus. And she is the new Britney Spears. The most searched person on the planet.

New Miley Cyrus Myspace Photo Scandal
April 21st, 2008

Oh no, Miley’s been taking pictures again. More supposed “skank shots” have leaked from the Myspace account of a scantily-clad Miley Cyrus. This isn’t the first time the fifteen year old Hannah Montana star has come under fire for a series of happy snaps posted on the popular social networking site. Back in January, Miley was featured showing off her belly and thighs in boyshorts in another leaked Myspace collection.

What do you think of Miley’s latest “controversial” photo album?

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