防火長城,也稱中國防火牆或中國國家防火牆,是對中華人民共和國政府在其管轄網際網路內部建立的多套網路審查系統(包括相關行政審查系統)的俗稱。其名稱得自於2002年5月17日Charles R. Smith所寫的一篇關於中國網路審查的文章《The Great Firewall of China》,取與Great Wall(長城)相諧的效果,簡寫為Great Firewall,縮寫GFW,戲稱功夫網。隨著使用的廣泛,GFW已被用於動詞,GFWed是指被防火長城所屏蔽。

發表於 2008-4-18 10:30

昨天由“第二城市”虛擬社群網站發起的線民反CNN抗議遊行示威行動!不少網友群情激憤,在虛擬的網路社區裡進行遊行示威抗議美國CNN無恥的行為,歪曲事實傷害了 中國人們的心!希望我們中國人民支援反CNN並且進行遊行示威行動!

Anti-CNN Demonstration in Second City
(04/23/2008) (Anti-CNN.com) Second City (第二城市) is a Chinese virtual community. Recently, the residents held an anti-CNN demonstration.

北風 @ 2008-4-22 18:17:34 閱讀(4712) 引用通告 分類: 醉眼看天下

文章作者試圖在幾大通訊社的網站搜尋引擎當中,用不同關鍵字的檢索結果,來證明西方的通訊社的報導是有嚴重偏向性的。其中,“用‘dalai lama’(達賴喇嘛)搜索”,用檢索結果來認定“法新社沒有一張表現達賴集團打砸搶燒殺的新聞圖片”。這是很有意思的事,在搜索者主觀的認定當中,“打砸搶燒殺”肯定與達賴有關,官方的指控亦如此,但西方的通訊社未必會作這樣的關聯,搜不出來也不為奇。作者先入為主,倒把責任怪到別人頭上去了。




(Ramblings of a Drunkard blog) Do not credit the GFW on someone else. April 22, 2008.

At some of the big portals, the story about AFP, Reuters and AP filtering Tibet separatist information figured prominently. This was probably a report designated to be highlighted, but it made for some truly extraordinary reading.

The author attempted to examine the search results at the various search engines of the major news agency websites in order to prove that the western media are seriously biased. Using "Dalai Lama" as the search term, the results from AFP did not have a single photo about "assault, vandalizing, looting and arson." This is significant because the Qianlong reporter subjectively believe that the "assault, vandalizing, looting and arson" were connected to the Dalai Lama clique because that was the charge made by the Chinese government. However, the western news agencies may not draw the same connection. Therefore, the outcome was not surprising. The Qianlong reporter made an assumption, and then put the onus on other people.

On April 19, the Qianlong reporter first went to the Chinese-language news agency websites and searched for "snatching the Olympic torch". The search result was that there was no relevant information and the user is advised to change the requirements and retry. Searching for "Tibet independence" ended with the message "this page cannot be displayed."

For the first part, this only showed the Qianlong reporter had lousy search engine skills. Why would one expect the Chinese-language website of a western news agency to have very good Chinese language functionality? It was not surprising that a long keyword such as "snatching the Olympic torch" will result in nothing. The western news agency website is neither Baidu nor Google.

More interesting is the second part when the Qianlong reporter said that "the page could not be displayed." Either this reporter is living in a true vacuum, or else he/she is being sarcastic by saying the exact opposite. Most people who use overseas search engines know that "the page could not be displayed" will pop up for sensitive terms. This is not about the Reuters Chinese-language website, because the credit should have been given to the Great Firewall of China.

Addendum based upon the work by a commentator:

At http://cn.reuters.com/,

1. Searching for "Tibet independence," the link was re-routed; if the Tor service is used, the results were normal.

2. Searching for "assault, vandalizing, looting and arson," the link was re-routed; if the Tor service is used, the results were normal.


http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月22日10:00 千龍網
  千龍網4月22日訊 (記者 于振華) 4月14日至4月16日,千龍網記者連續三天兩訪法新社駐北京記者站、三訪路透社駐北京記者站、兩訪美聯社駐北京記者站,為了搞清楚這三大通訊社是否客觀公正地報導發生在西藏的打砸搶燒事件,奧運火炬傳遞、尤其是藏獨分子如何破壞火炬傳遞的,但均遭拒絕,“你可以自己上網去查看”也成了這世界三大通訊社留給千龍網記者共同的答覆。




  為了擴大調查範圍,4月19日、20日、21日,千龍網記者分別多次在法新社、美聯社以及路透社英文網站上借助其網站的搜尋引擎,先後以“Olympic torch”(奧運火炬)、“Tibet”(西藏)、“dalai lama”(達賴喇嘛)等為關鍵字,搜索並流覽其一個多月以來刊發的大約3100幅新聞圖片後,驚奇地發現,在奧運火炬傳遞現場,幾乎看不到支持北京奧運的當地華人、華僑熱情洋溢的表情和他們手中揮舞的五星紅旗,更難尋那些熱愛奧運的外國朋友的身影。


  以法新社、美聯社和路透社對巴黎的北京奧運火炬傳遞的新聞圖片報導為例,4月21日,千龍網記者登陸路透社英文網站,用“Olympic torch”(奧運火炬)為關鍵字搜索發現,4月7日當天,路透社大約發表50幅新聞圖片,其中,表現“藏獨”分子各種反對中國、詆毀北京奧運的圖片就占37幅,而對支持中國、支持北京奧運的熱情觀眾的新聞圖片卻沒有一張。

  在法新社的網站上,千龍網記者以“Olympic torch”(奧運火炬)為關鍵字,並將時間限定在4月7日,地點範圍設為法國,點擊搜索鍵一共搜索到143張新聞圖片,分12頁顯示。其中,有關“藏獨”分子遊行、抗議以及衝擊奧運火炬傳遞隊伍與員警發生衝突的新聞圖片共有95張,另有4張新聞圖片是表現支援北京奧運、支持中國的人對“藏獨”分子的抗議,而為北京奧運火炬歡呼、為中國加油的新聞圖片,仍然沒有一張。

  而在美聯社的網站上,為北京奧運火炬歡呼、為中國加油的新聞圖片能否實現“零突破”呢?當千龍網記者輸入關鍵字“Olympic torch”(奧運火炬),設定2008年4月7日為搜索範圍,結果,在搜索出的186張新聞圖片中,有96張仍然是“藏獨”分子各種詆毀奧運、反對中國的怪異面孔與行為,而支持中國、支持奧運的聲音再次為零——巴黎徹底“淪陷”。



  4月19日,千龍網記者進入路透社英文網站時,在該網站的搜尋引擎上輸入“dalai lama”(達賴喇嘛),即能搜索出744條有關達賴喇嘛在世界各種場合發表的“藏獨”言行的文字報導,而再用圖片搜尋引擎搜索一下,能搜出21張達賴喇嘛相關的新聞圖片。但是,令人意外的是,4月21日,千龍網記者再度進入路透社英文網站,再用圖片搜尋引擎搜索一下,卻一下子能搜出556幅與達賴喇嘛相關圖片新聞,其中還有署名為“REUTERS/Jim Young”采寫拍攝的美國總統布希接見達賴喇嘛的圖片新聞。

A Most Remarkable Project
(04/23/2008) (Qianlong via Sina.com)
Between April 14 to 16, the Qianlong reporter went to visit the Agence France Presse Beijing office twice, the Reuters Beijing office thrice and the Associated Press Beijing office twice in order to determine if the big three news agencies were objectively and fairly reporting the assault, vandalizing, looting and arson in Tibet, the Olympic torch relay and especially about how the Tibet splittists are sabotaging the latter. But the Qianlong reporter was turned away with the comment "You can look it up yourself on the Internet" being the common answer provided by these three biggest news agencies in the world.

Accordingly, the Qianlong reporter used the Reuters, AFP and AP search engines and found that these western media were disproportionate in terms of their reports wherein they deliberately over-amplified the voices of the Tibet splittists versus the protesting against the separatism and sabotage by the Dalai Lama. The western news agencies provided a one-sided tilt towards Tibet independence. This "selective reporting" prettified the "non-violent" "spiritual leader" image of the Dalai Lama in order to realize their ulterior goal.

On April 19, the Qianlong reporter went to the Reuters Chinese-language website and searched for the keyword "snatching the Olympic torch." The search result was that "there was nothing that matched 'snatching the Olympic torch; please revise your search requirements and try again." When "Tibet independence" and "assault, vandalizing, looting and arson" were searched, the result was that "the page could not be displayed."

On April 19, 20 and 21, the Qianlong reporter went to the English-language websites of AFP, AP and Reuters and used the search engine to look for keywords such as "Olympic torch," "Tibet" and "Dalai Lama". There were about 3,100 news photo over the past 30 days. Astonishingly, "Olympic torch" showed virtually no photos of overseas Chinese supporting the Beijing Olympics and waving the five-star national flags.

At the AFP website, the Qianlong reporter used "Olympic torch" as the keyword and restricted the search to April 7 in France. This resulted in 143 news photos. Among these, 95 were about the Tibet independence marchers and protestors or the attack on the Olympic torch relay runners and the local police. There were 4 photos that showed the Chinese protesting against the Tibet independence demonstration. There was not a single photo of any cheering for the Olympic torch or China.

At the Associated Press website, the Qianlong reporter found 186 news photos for the keyword "Olympic torch" for April 7. 96 of these are about the Tibet splittists smearing the Olympics and opposing China. There was no photo in support of China and the Olympics.

At the Reuters website, the reporter entered "Dalai Lama" on April 19 and found 744 reports about the Dalai Lama expressing views about Tibetan independence. As for news photos, there were 21 of them. When the Qianlong reporter repeated the exercise on April 21, there were 556 photos related to the Dalai Lama, including one photo of American president George W. Bush meeting with the Dalai Lama credited to "Reuters/Jim Young."

... There were 409 unique photos among the 556 news photos. Of these, 354 were about the travels, meetings, religious activities and peaceful petitions in support of Tibet independence as well as glorifying "Tibet's exiled spiritual leader." By contrast, there were only 13 photos about the assault, vandalizing, lotting and arson committed by the Dalai Lama clique. With this huge discrepancy, how must credibility is there about "objectivity and fairness"?

On April 19, the "Dalai Lama" keyword at Associated Press resulted in 476 news photos, most of which are about the Dalai Lama visiting the United States and meeting with important politicians. There were also photos of Tibet splittists protesting in the form of "peaceful" petitions as well as making a show at the Olympic torch relay. But there was nothing about the Chinese people protesting against the evil deeds of the Dalai Lama and the Tibet splittists.

On April 19, the Qianlong reporter visited the AFP website and used the keyword "Dalai Lama" to find 483 news photos, with the contents being comparable to those at Reuters and Associated Press ...

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