(04/19/2008) Previously, Jin Jing had emerged as the heroine of the millennium for China (see The Olympic Torch Tour As Public Relations Disaster).

(東方早報) But what words came out of her mouth? Jin Jing has just said publicly that netizens should be very careful about the call to boycott Carrefour, because that company employs many Chinese employees who would be hurt by any boycott.

钱烈宪 @ 2008-4-18 22:08:20 阅读(7172) 引用通告 分类: 深度变态

网易山东济南网友 ip:124.133.*.*: 2008-04-16 15:09:26 发表

网易广东广州网友 ip:116.21.*.*: 2008-04-17 07:18:50 发表

网易贵州贵阳网友 ip:222.85.*.*: 2008-04-17 06:11:24 发表
网易北京网友(123.113.*.*) 的原贴:

网易辽宁大连网友 ip:221.201.*.*: 2008-04-17 07:22:28 发表
8国联军来的时后,清朝就是你这个B的想法,其结国呢? 你能代表大汉民族吗?你该干哈干哈去!

网易浙江温州网友 ip:125.108.*.*: 2008-04-17 07:43:28 发表
网易广东汕头网友 ip:61.141.*.*: 2008-04-16 15:04:25 发表

网易山东济南网友 ip:124.133.*.*: 2008-04-16 15:07:42 发表

网易浙江温州网友 ip:125.108.*.*: 2008-04-17 07:44:27 发表

网易四川成都网友 ip:220.112.*.*: 2008-04-17 06:33:00 发表

网易山东淄博网友 ip:60.210.*.*: 2008-04-17 07:04:44 发表

网易安徽芜湖网友 ip:218.22.*.*: 2008-04-17 06:56:53 发表
金精是谁,很出名吗 ?自己不抵制就 算了,不要跑 出来找骂

网易广东江门网友 ip:125.92.*.*: 2008-04-17 10:17:58 发表

网易福建厦门网友 ip:58.23.*.*: 2008-04-17 10:28:41 发表

网易河南三门峡网友 ip:123.55.*.*: 2008-04-16 15:16:40 发表
一定要抵制 作为一个中国人 他们挑衅我们 我们就应该给予打击 给他们点color see see

网易广东东莞网友 ip:219.132.*.*: 2008-04-17 10:08:25 发表
网易贵州贵阳网友(58.42.*.*) 的原贴:
金晶是Blue Capital情妇,是个大大的汉奸.

网易广东珠海网友 ip:218.13.*.*: 2008-04-17 09:49:46 发表

网易重庆网友 ip:61.161.*.*: 2008-04-17 09:49:38 发表

网易北京网友 ip:124.42.*.*: 2008-04-17 12:06:34 发表

网易陕西西安网友 [xsqy2008]:2008-04-17 13:05:15 发表
金晶是个屁啊。一个瘸子知道啥 啊

网易山东临沂网友 ip:124.130.*.*:2008-04-17 12:55:22 发表
网易山东滨州网友 ip:222.134.*.*:

网易山东滨州网友 ip:222.134.*.*:2008-04-17 12:32:38 发表
我靠!人家都来强奸你了,你还在这里想又没有吃的 。。。

网易北京网友 ip:124.42.*.*:2008-04-17 12:08:45 发表
网易山东济南网友(124.133.*.*) 的原贴:

网易湖北安陆网友 ip:221.233.*.*: 2008-04-17 14:49:53 发表

网易江苏苏州网友 ip:221.224.*.*: 2008-04-17 15:53:15 发表

(Pro States in Flames) Here is a sampling of responses by netizens over at the NetEase forum:

What kinda fart is Jin Jing! She is helping Carrefour. I think that she is a Chinese traitor.

What kinda person is Jin Jing? You give her a little color, and she thinks that she can run a dye mill.

First, she lost her leg. Now she has lost her mind.

The interests of a number of Chinese employees cannot be as important as the interests of a nation. There is no need to worry about them. It is important to let the world that China cannot be bullied.

Fuck! Boycott Carrefour! Even if we have to starve to death, we must ruin Carrefour.

Many workers who got laid off get new jobs immediately. What is the difference? People who work there are abetting the enemy.

She went to France just once and now she thinks that she is French. Jin Jing speaks like a Chinese traitor with no brain. No wonder she got fired from her job.

Who is Jin Jing? Is she famous or something? If she does not want to join the boycott, she does not have to. But why come out and speak? Does she want to be cursed out?

Who the fuck is Jin Jing? Never heard of her before. She better disappear immediately, or she will die with her body in more than one piece.

Jin Jing??? An uncultured brainless cunt!!! She wants to be a torch bearer. I strong urge everybody to take her torch away by force!!!!

Jin Jing? Athletes have strong bodies but feeble minds. Carrefour has to pay their employees even if there is no business. If they can't meet payroll, they have to sell their assets until they eventually close shop.

The answer is very simple. Jin Jing must have been paid off by the French.

A cripple becomes famous by accident and now she has no idea who she is. So she is now spewing feces from her mouth.

What kinda fart is Jin Jing! What does a cripple know?

Another Chinese traitor makes an appearance. Fuck this Jin something Jing!

Fuck! You are getting raped but all you think about is getting enough to eat ...

Stop fucking bullshitting. Any torch bearer would have protected the torch in that situation. This is the duty of everyone and there is nothing more to be said. When the Chinese people offer you some praise, you begin to think that you are some kind of goddess. It is not your fault to lose your leg, but it is worse to become brain-dead.

Chinese traitor Jin Jing, your cancerous cells must have moved to your brain!


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