April 9th, 2008
Pete Ashlee

On Wednesday, aspiring lip-syncer Ashlee Simpson and eyeliner enthusiast Pete Wentz announced their engagement.

Pete Wentz Ashlee Simpson Engaged: Pete Wentz Ashlee Simpson Engaged Confirmed

Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson are getting married. Ashlee, who will release her “Bittersweet World” LP later this month, officially announced her engagment to the Fall Out Boy star in an online statement on Wednesday.

“We know there has been a lot of speculation recently about Pete and I and we wanted our fans to be the first to know, because you guys are the best. Yes, we are thrilled to share that we are happily engaged. Thank you for all of your support and well wishes - it means the world to us. We consider this to be a very private matter, and we wanted to be the first to tell you and to hear it straight from us.”

- Ashlee and Pete

現年23歲的艾希莉和28歲的Pete說他們選擇在該網站上宣佈喜訊是因為他們想讓歌迷們成為第一批獲知他們訂婚消息的人:「我們希望你們直接從我們這裡得知這個喜訊。」兩位新人在聲明中如此寫道。不過艾希莉和Pete並沒有對歌迷透露兩人訂婚的更多相關細節:「我們認為其他細節都是我們的私事。」他們表示。艾希莉和Pete Wentz從2006年年底開始交往,就和許多銀色情侶一樣,兩人在戀情剛開始時,也都採取相當低調的態度,鮮少一起出席公眾場合。其實艾希莉在和Pete交往之前,還曾在一篇雜誌專訪中表示她並不想那麼早結婚:「我現在廿幾歲,還有好多事情要學習,我想我要等到快卅歲或卅幾歲以後,才會考慮在適當的時機結婚。」不過最近她也曾對記者開玩笑說在她可能會在她姊姊潔西卡(Jessica Simpson)再婚之前先步入禮堂。

The pop star and her alt-beau Pete Wentz are engaged, according to a statement posted Wednesday by the couple on the networking site FriendsorEnemies.com.
"We know there has been a lot of speculation recently about Pete and I and we wanted our fans to be the first to know, because you guys are the best. Yes, we are thrilled to share that we are happily engaged," Simpson wrote."Thank you for all of your support and well wishes—it means the world to us. We consider this to be a very private matter, and we wanted to be the first to tell you and to hear it straight from us."
One possible cause for the quickie engagement - a pregnancy, to which her rep had no comment. Again maybe people can just get married to be together… so the pregnancy is just a possibility!Ashlee shows off her engagement ring in the photo above. A ring she is wearing for some time but only categorized it as a promise… an engagement is a promise, promise of wedding, sure!!


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