看! 好呀 好呀 好強 好強 中國強. 中國一定強...

At noon on April 10, Coca-Cola sent a formal statement to 環球時報Global Times:

Recently, certain Chinese bloggers and forums carried a photo of a Coca-Cola advertisement. That advertisement was part of the 2003 series with the theme of "Make It Real" to promote sales in Germany. The theme was to encourage people to try new things and enjoy life. The series contains more than a dozen different advertisements featuring people from different walks of life enjoying themselves in different situations.

This advertisement did not contain any political or religious background and it is unrelated to Tibet independence. We regret that this old advertisement should become misunderstood by certain Chinese bloggers and forum users who were not aware of its background. We respect the feelings of Chinese consumers. This old advertisement at the Bremen train station has been taken down on the same day.

Coca-Cola is an apolitical organization, and one of the accommodating brands in the world. Coca-Cola provides services to consumers in more than 200 countries of different cultures, religions and histories. Coca-Cola and its local bottling partners will follow international business practice and not interfere or participate in any political or religious affairs in any country. We adhere to this position in every country around the world.

Coca-Cola began supporting and sponsoring the Olympics in 1928. For 80 years, we have continued to support the Olympic movement around the world. As a partner of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Olympic torch relay, we are actively participating in this global athletic competition.

那就改喝蒙牛酸酸乳 王老吉也可以 可以把京奧贊助商改成百事啊
小葉 0409
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再談下我(拍攝者)對照片的理解,3個和尚代表XZLM(西藏喇嘛),坐過山車代表自由,make it real中文意思為實現他。

Coca Cola, You Broke China's Heart (04/08/2008) (Tianya) The following photograph was taken on April 5 in the Germany city of Bremen. The netizen understood the symbolism as follows:

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- The three monks are Tibetan lamas
- The rollercoaster ride represents freedom
- "Make it real" means that Coca Cola intends to bring "freedom" to the Tibet

Netizen comment"s: "From today on, I will not drink Coca-Cola. I will mobilize all my friends and classmates to refuse to drink Coca-Cola too." "We will organize spontaneously to make sure that companies that support Tibetan independence will lose their China market. No more Coca-cola from now on, and it is an unhealthy drink anyway."

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