April 8, 2008 by coolsmurf
Korean idol group, Super Junior will see the debut of yet another shuffle group today, focusing on the China market and is known simply as Super Junior-M.
Super Junior-M will officially launch their entertainment assault on the China market with their debut single, “U”. The “M” in their group name means Mandarin which is the language they’re going to sing in, and shows their determination to conquer the China music industry. The group will be led by Super Junior Chinese member, Han Kyung together with the original Suju members Shi Won, Dong Hae, Kyu Hyun and Ryeo Wook. Two other members from China, Henry and Zhou Mi completes the group of seven and their album will contain all songs sung in Mandarin.
Sohu China had released promotional clips of the members from 3rd April and in just five days, the videos has registered 14 million views combined. This showed the growing popularity of Super Junior-M even before their debut.
Their first album called “Me” will be released in mid-April in China first before subsequently making their rounds in Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and other countries in Asia. The album will contain familiar songs from Super Junior like, “Don’t Don”, “Marry U” and Sandy Lam’s “At least I have you”, etc. The album will have 12 tracks in total. Their “U” music video is also released today.
Super Junior M - U [OFFICIAL MV]
Super Junior - M,終於在中國出道! 成員公開神秘影像引爆話題! 博客訪問量近150萬!
全亞洲當紅團體 Super Junior 推出全新小組 - Super Junior-M(SM娛樂公司所屬),近日終於正式公開。被臨時稱為Super Junior China的Super Junior-M,出道前就已在中國及整個亞洲範圍內廣泛引起人們關注,他們是首支由韓國人和中國人組成的男子組合,由韓國CT(Culture Technology)進行整體打造,正式進軍現今中國音樂業界,以徹底實現中國本土化、成為華語樂壇最優秀明星為目標而努力。
Super Junior-M的M是普通話英文mandarin的首字母縮寫,它也表示著SJ-M將以華語樂壇為舞台翱翔展翅的偉大抱負,其成員也是以在中國獲得最高人氣Super Junior中國籍成員韓庚為主,除始源、東海、厲旭、圭賢之外,還新加入了中國成員亨利和周覓共構成了7人組,由此更提升了他們與中國大眾之間的親密度。
Super Junior-M將與中國當地的歌手們進行競爭,積極展開各種宣傳和推廣活動,目標在成為中國大眾音樂市場巨星的同時,引領嶄新的大眾文化流行。
4月中旬開始,以中國大陸為首發站,還將在韓國、台灣、泰國等亞洲各地區陸續發行Super Junior-M的第一張專輯《迷(Me)》,它包括在韓國及亞洲深受喜愛的Super Junior的成名曲《U》、《Don’t Don》、《Marry U》、《幸福》等歌曲的中文版,還包括了祈願2008北京奧運會成功舉辦的歌曲《The One》以及《迷(Me)》、《愛你愛你(Love Song)》等五首新曲,還有翻唱自林憶蓮的《至少還有你》等共計12首歌曲,吸引了眾歌迷們對此專輯的期待和關注。
Super Junior-M從4月3日起通過中國門戶網站搜狐(www.sohu.com)陸續公開了團名及成員身份,引起了很大關注,並在4月8日音樂風雲榜頒獎盛典中以神秘嘉賓登台獻藝,為廣大歌迷們帶來華麗的舞台演出。