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Source: GutterUncensored.com

Yunjin Kim does naked sex scenes. If they had more scenes like this on Lost, even more people would watch the show. Yunjin Kim who is one of the stars of Lost, filmed this is a nude sex scene of her in the movie called Milae back in 2002. Now that she's famous everyone can go back and see her nude in this movie or look at her naked in these photos and video clips. If you want to see the clips of these scenes, then click here for the first, and click here for the second. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Yunjin Kim
(born November 7, 1973 in Seoul, South Korea) is a Korean American film and theatre actress, best known outside South Korea for her role as Sun-Hwa Kwon on the ABC television series Lost.

After graduation, Kim devoted herself full time to acting. She garnered several minor parts on MTV, in soap opera-style dramas on ABC, and on the off-Broadway stage. In 1996, a Korean TV show filming in Manhattan called and persuaded her to return to her country of origin, to appear in the Korean TV drama A Gorgeous Vacation. This was followed by two other roles in Foreboding and the miniseries Wedding Dress. Then in 1997 she was offered a script for her debut film, Shiri (1999). Shiri was Korea's first blockbuster film and became the highest grossing film in the history of Korean cinema in 1999. As a result, Kim became a household name in Korea.

Over the next several years, she starred in five additional films. In July 2003, Kim signed a three-year contract with William Morris, an American agency representing Hollywood stars such as Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, Kevin Spacey, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, and Reese Witherspoon.

In May 2006, Maxim named Kim #98 on its annual Hot 100 List. In October 2006 she was featured on the cover of Stuff, as well as a spread inside the magazine.

--------see the video of Yunjin Kim Nude Sex Scenes below----------

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英文片名: Ardor

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片長: 112 分鐘
級別: 18歲以上觀覽可
韓國首映日期: 2002年11月 8日

導演: 邊永柱 (BYUN Young-joo)

演員: 金允珍 (KIM Yoon-jin) 飾演 Mi-heun
   LEE Jong-won 飾演 In-kyu
   KYE Sung-yong 飾演 Hyo-kyung

一 天 , 一 名 穿 著 紅 色 冷 衫 的 中 年 婦 人 到 了 三 十 歲 的 Mi-heun 的 家 。 那 是 正 值 聖 誕 佳 節 , Mi-heun 卻 收 到 一 份 最 壞 的 聖 誕 禮 物 ─ ─ 那 名 中 年 婦 人 跟 她 說 : 「 我 的 丈 夫 就 是 妳 的 愛 人 。 」 而 那 個 人 就 是 In-kyu 。

    那 天 過 後 , Mi-heun 和 家 人 都 搬 了 家 , Mi-heun 希 望 藉 此 忘 記 痛 苦 , 當 作 若 無 其 事 。 不 過 她 換 來 的 是 不 斷 的 頭 痛 和 噩 夢 。

    Mi-heun 的 愛 人 In-kyu 是 一 名 十 分 悠 閒 的 鄉 村 醫 生 , 雖 是 有 婦 之 夫 , 但 他 會 跟 不 同 的 女 性 上 床 來 打 發 他 過 剩 的 時 間 。 而 當 他 開 始 享 受 著 這 種 生 活 的 時 候 , 便 遇 上 了 有 夫 之 婦 Mi-heun 。 In-kyu 起 初 要 求 跟 Mi-heun 發 生 關 係 卻 被 拒 , 可 是 In-kyu 已 經 贏 得 了 Mi-heun 的 靈 魂 … …

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