Angie Hart - Grounded Bird
Melbourne, Victoria
The former singer with Frente has stepped out the shadows of cute pop to deliver an indie album in the sublime.
Grounded Bird is a tender trip through a garden of blissed out electronica and breathy vocals.
Be it part dance album, lounge and grunge, Hart’s versatility is no accident.
Hart has made a stellar landing.
Watch Angie Hart's video for her latest single, Cold Heart Killer.
ANGIE HART – Grounded Bird
(ABC/Warner Music)
Bower bird, more like, and a nice collection she’s got too.
Though it’s her first solo album, you’d know Angie Hart from her days fronting Frente. That was over a decade ago. Since then, she’s been in outfits like Splendid and Holidays On Ice, but has yet to recapture the public’s attention in quite the same way again. And that’s probably not the intention here, anyway. Here, she gathers up a bunch of songs written over the last five years or so with a variety of collaborators, including Ben Lee, Dean Manning and Dan Luscombe. Then, with another co-writer Justyn Pilbrow (the guitarist from Kiwi band Elemeno P) producing, she engages a crack group of Melbourne musos like Dan and Pete Luscombe, Bill McDonald and her sister Rebecca to flesh out these tunes. And engaging, they certainly are. Mellow but introspective, fuelled in part by her break-up with Jesse Tobias (who also scores a co-write on Stop Buying Things), the styles range from airy delicacy of My Year Of Drinking and the breathy pop of Asleep to shadowy whisper of My Thief and the tape-looped, mantric shimmer of Start My Day. She’s older and wiser (as you’d expect), but Angie proves she’s still got plenty of, um, heart.
1. asleep.
2. care.
3. cold heart killer.
4. don`t be shy.
5. feel what you don`t.
6. kiwi.
7. first time.
8. sand.
9. my thief.
10. my year of drinking.
11. stop buying things.
12. start my day.
Angie Hart,陪你在星空擺盪的精靈
Release Date: 2007/9/24
Label: ABC/Warner au
前墨爾本樂團 Frente! 女主唱 Angie Hart,1994 年曾以翻唱八○年代經典團體 New Order的 "Bizarre Love Triangle" 而聲名大噪;他們將原本冷硬的Post-Punk 樂風,以 Hart 感性、甜美的嗓音,伴隨著乾淨的空心吉他,幻化為一首清純迷人的愉悅旋律;而如今,Frente! 幾經分合,Angie Hart 也推出了充滿個人風格的專輯《 Grounded Bird 》,是一份送給迷戀她美好嗓音的樂迷的無比饗宴。
這張《 Grounded Bird 》可說是 Angie Hart 的成熟宣言;她融合了流行節奏、搖滾勁道、dream-pop 等元素,又佐以豐美華麗、夢幻十足的襯樂,最重要的「嚴選素材」則是她清澈、高亢而轉圜自如,卻又不失優美典雅的嗓音,揉合成一道充滿滋味的極品佳餚;聲音的清純甜美依舊,卻也多了幾分成熟與神秘感,給人一種在無垠星空中盪鞦韆的奇妙感受,更勝當年 Frente! 的青澀;而整張專輯美麗的旋律,更讓聆聽這張《 Grounded Bird 》,成為一種令人如沐春風、毫無負擔,卻又充滿啟發與靈性的極緻享受。
無論是對 Frente! 懷抱著念舊情感,或者想從頭開始認識 Angie Hart,或僅僅只是想聽一種美好清澈、舒緩人心的女聲,這張《 Grounded Bird 》都是一張絕對不可錯過的完美作品,也是一種回歸音樂本質的最佳體驗。