Nam Gyu Ri Exposed Breast and Nip Slip During a Concert
2006年12月23日 在首爾三成洞舉行的音樂會上,最近頻頻獲得新人賞的韓國三人女子組合See Ya成員南奎麗,在獻唱碧昂絲名曲《Crazy in Love》期間,由於舞步激烈,右邊肩帶的鈕扣突然鬆脫,不幸露出右邊ㄋㄋ。由於當時正在進行電視直播,走光鏡頭令觀眾為之譁然,幸好南奎麗鎮定地轉身抓住肩帶至歌曲唱完為止,盡顯專業精神。
SEEYA - Crazy In Love [2nd BIG 4 Concert 2006]
其實這並非See Ya首次演唱途中出意外,8月份的時候,See Ya曾試過演唱時發生舞蹈員當場暈倒的事件!
The video below shows a different accident where one of the dancers collapsed.
(short version)
(full version)
SeeYa 韓國三人女子組合SeeYa(씨야),二OO六年以《女人的香氣》專輯出道可謂是一組美貌兼具實力的超強新人組。 出道40天,她們就榮登韓國電視臺音樂節目冠軍寶座,由於熱門組合SG Wanna Be擔當了培訓和開發SeeYa的重任,故該組合被韓國媒體稱作是女版的SG。
Source: GutterUncensored.com
SeeYa's Nam Gyu Ri experienced an accident which left her breast exposed while performing.
"The 2nd BIG4 Concert" was held at the COEX hall in Samseongdong, Seoul. It was during the group's performance of "Crazy Love" when her clothes slipped which exposed her breast.
According to witnesses, because of Nam's powerful dance, the right strap of her dress got detached, resulting to an exposure accident.
After the accident, Nam Gyu Ri panicked for a short time then immediately seized the strap and continued on her singing, showing her professionalism. Click on picture to enlarge.
Nam Gyu-Ri
(Hangul: 남규리 Born April 26, 1985) is the leader of the Korean female trio, SeeYa.
In a performance at the CoEx Mall in Seoul on December 23, 2006, Nam Gyu-Ri's right breast was exposed due to a costume failure. According to reports, one of her straps snapped after she performed a vigorous dance move. Despite the accident, Nam Gyu-Ri simply picked up her strap and continued performing.
Less than 24 hours after her boob exposure, Nam Gyu-Ri became the hottest debated topic in all of Asia. TV news shows led with reports about is Nam Gyu-Ri and her breast exposure.
The controversy was worsened when video clips and pictures of the incident spread dramatically throughout the internet. Singer Wheesung, vehemently defended her and expressed anger at the tabloids for mass reporting on the incident. Some netizens viewed this incident as a publicity stunt. During the encore performance, she shed tears but continued to perform nevertheless. She wept backstage after the concert as other artists tried to console her.