Amnesty International has created a brutal new poster, that mocks the Beijing Games’ marketing slogan “We are Ready!”.

Read more on Amnesty International’s Critique of the Beijing Olympics

北京奧運希臘點聖火 黑衣人高舉標語鬧場





Reporters Without Borders Protests on Olympic Torch Lighting Ceremony (Pictures & Video)
reporter without borders protest beijing olympic torch lighting ceremony

(Photo credit: Michael Steele/Getty Images)

When Liu Qi, president of the 2008 Beijing Olympics organizing committee gave a speech on Olympic Torch flame-lighting ceremony (video here) at Greece's Ancient Olympia, two men of Paris-based Reporters Without Borders carrying black flags showing the Olympic rings as handcuffs ran onto the stadium field where Liu stood and staged a protest. Link

One more photo (via)

reporter without borders protest at beijing olympic torch lighting ceremony

Reporters Without Borders member protest video:

Olympic Torch of Beijing 2008 Lighted in Athens (Video)

In a ceremony to mark the start of a five-month Beijing 2008 Olympic torch relay, Greek actress Maria Nafpliotou playing the high priestess lighted the torch in front of the Temple of Hera in Athen, on Monday 24 March, 2008. The video above is the highlights of the Olympic flame lighting ceremony. Link

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