March 20th, 2008
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus
The Best of Both Worlds Concert
(CD + DVD) [LIVE] [孟漢娜3D立體演唱會SOUNDTRACK]
Label: Disney
Release Date: April 15, 2008
Hannah Montana Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Concert pics
01. Rock Star
02. Life's What You Make It
03. Just Like You
04. Nobody's Perfect
05. Pumpin' Up the Party
06. I Got Nerve
07. We Got the Party (feat. Jonas Brothers)
08. Start All Over
09. Good and Broken
10. See You Again
11. Let's Dance
12. East Northumberland High
13. G.N.O. (Girl's Night Out)
14. The Best of Both Worlds
青春洋溢的國中女學生麥莉(Miley Cyrus)跟一般學生並無兩樣,她有疼愛她的家人,也有超麻吉的朋友。然而這位看似平凡的中學生-麥莉,卻有一個天大的秘密,因為她就是美國當今最紅的搖滾小天后~孟漢娜!知道她雙重身分的只有她的父親兼經紀人羅比及哥哥傑克森兩人。不過當麥莉從德州搬家到加州的一個小鎮之後,她極力隱瞞的秘密身分,因為常常必須巡迴演出而逐漸露出破綻…
“Hannah Montana” Lead: “Hannah Montana” Lead Product Danger
March 20th, 2008
Hannah Montana is trying to kill us! Chinese-made Hannah Montana products, including backpacks and purses, have been found to contain up to fourteens times the federal standard for lead, Charles Margulis of the Center for Environmental Health says.
“Lead is toxic to teenagers, to young children, and even young adults, especially young women. We purchased 28 Hannah Montana products, and of those 28, nine had high levels of lead.”
The Center for Environmental Health says a Girls Rock backpack from and a Secret Star wallet from Toys ‘R Us had lead content of 1,800 parts per million-to-8,300 parts per million.