小葉 0315
When Music PR Goes To Far: Ashley Alexandra Dupre & Amie Street
How does Amie Street expect to be taken seriously as an indie music destination when it sends out press releases touting that its the only place you can find tracks from the
prostitute that brought down New York Governor Eliot Spitzer? Here's the full text:
I'm sure you are hearing a lot about Ashley Alexandra Dupre and the Spitzer scandal. Ashley is also an R&B singer and her music is exclusively available on AmieStreet.com
The songs can only be listened to and downloaded on amie street. As of now, her myspace has been taken down.
Ashley has been an artist on the site since last November, and her music, like all music on amie street, is initially free and priced based on public demand. She has clearly been receiving a lot of attention in the past day, and the songs have risen very quickly to 98 cents on the site. She just added a brand new track this morning.
check out her music:
> Management consulting and technology services company Accenture will provide digital supply services for Universal Music Group in all territories outside North America. Under the deal, Accenture will organize and store audio, video, artwork and metadata for distribution. (press release) I believe in outsourcing but I'm surprised that the world's largest label group would not want to control its own digital assets.
As Music 2.0 Gains Traction, How Do Artists Get Paid? 藝人如何分到錢?
A plethora of new and re-tooled sites are offering free ad supported music via streaming and download. Spiral Frog, Qtrax, imeem, We7, iLike, YouTube and others each offer their own platforms to listen to almost any song or video on demand and sometimes to even download it.
Each service has made their own unique deals with labels and publishers for compensation. Some pay a fee per play or download. Others share a portion of ad revenue received; and rumors have a new MySpace music service trying to compensate labels with stock options.
But how much of that money will find its way to the artist and how many of these new deals conform with existing label and publishing contracts or the statutory rate legally due songwriters? I don't know of a single artist contract that mentions stock options or ad revenue as acceptable compensation.
Artist managers are just beginning to question where their share is of large settlements with the original Napster and others. Thus far, however, payments from ad supported services
have not drawn much attention perhaps because they are too small or because the deals too arcane to understand.
The web services are not to blame for pushing the envelope and attempting to offer consumer choice. But just as they always have (eMusic payments are a
recent example) record labels large and small are bending the rules in search of revenue and hoping that artists don't have the means or motivation to argue with them.
2008/3/14 作者: Terry
A Sound Match,音樂情緣?通過與音樂相關的測試,網站給用戶找出匹配度高的其它用戶。該網站整合了Rhapsody音樂服務,安裝Rhapsody播放外掛程式後,每月可以免費收聽25首歌曲,也可以支付訂閱費無限收聽,並且支援將自己的即時音樂清單郵件分享給其它用戶。挺好的創意,只是音樂服務與交友服務的關聯性還是不夠緊密。或許類似的服務Allen去嘗試更為合適,Yobo的個性音樂品味與心理測試,Baihe的心理測試與婚介服務,已經間接得建立了個性音樂品味與婚介服務的聯繫。哈哈…
2008/3/8 作者: Terry
去年Radiohead用自訂價格模式推出了他們的新專輯“In Rainbows”。今年Nine Inch Nails仿效Radiohead的模式,歌迷可以在他們的官網免費下載專輯中的9首歌曲,還提供5、10、75和300美元的不同套餐選擇。其中300美元的豪華限量版2500份已經售罄。此外NIN甚至主動將他們的音樂上傳到The Pirate Bay、What.cd等著名的BT網站。
2008/3/8 作者: Terry
2008/3/7 作者: Terry