Kate Beckinsale has a spread in the new issue of Mean magazine. Oddly enough, I’m aroused. She talks about wanting to drop children out of windows, likening raw fish to vagina and orgasms? Wait, what?

On her lack of sleep as a new mother:
“I remember turning up on the set of Pearl Harbor and all the boys had been to boot camp and I had a 14-month-old baby, and had been told that I had to be in the gym four hours a day. On top of the not sleeping and all this physical activity, the boys kept saying, ‘Wow, it was so tough, you have no idea.’ I remember thinking to myself, ‘You went for five days, I haven’t slept in 14 months. You want to go toe to toe?’ ”
On the responsibilities of being a mother:
“Babies show up as themselves. I really do believe you can f*** a person up terribly by being a bad parent, but they arrive kind of 80 percent baked, and that 20 percent is crucial, but they do show up with personality.”
On the appeal of raw food:
“I can’t do raw. I can’t do sushi, even. Anything that has that vaginal quality to it. I’d rather an actual vagina than that, honestly.”
On the inspiration for high heels:
“Apparently, during orgasm, a woman’s feet move like this [makes tiptoe gesture], and that’s the reason they invented high heels. So next time you’re having an orgasm, pay attention to your feet and you’ll see.”
Interviews are usually dumb, but this is awesome. Can you imagine Kate talking dirty? I bet it sounds both erotic and delectable.
Kate Beckinsale: The perfect woman? Yes, Kate Beckinsale: The perfect woman.
Kate Beckinsale is a Mean Girl: Sushi is Too Vaginal
Beautiful Kate Beckinsale is the new cover girl of Mean Magazine, where she's posing as new wave French cinema actress Anna Karina 安娜·卡利娜.
There's a video the magazine whipped up that shows Kate’s photo shoot mixed up with footage of Anna in a French movie back in 1967.Highlights of Kate Beckinsale’s interview:
On her lack of sleep as a new mother:
“I remember turning up on the set of Pearl Harbor and all the boys had been to boot camp and I had a 14-month-old baby, and had been told that I had to be in the gym four hours a day. On top of the not sleeping and all this physical activity, the boys kept saying, ‘Wow, it was so tough, you have no idea.’ I remember thinking to myself, ‘You went for five days, I haven’t slept in 14 months. You want to go toe to toe?' "
On the inspiration for high heels:
“Apparently, during orgasm, a woman’s feet move like this [makes tiptoe gesture], and that’s the reason they invented high heels. So next time you’re having an orgasm, pay attention to your feet and you’ll see.”
On the responsibilities of being a mother:
“Babies show up as themselves. I really do believe you can f*** a person up terribly by being a bad parent, but they arrive kind of 80 percent baked, and that 20 percent is crucial, but they do show up with personality."
On the appeal of raw food:
“I can’t do raw. I can’t do sushi, even. Anything that has that vaginal quality to it. I’d rather an actual vagina than that, honestly."
60年代歐洲女星 Anna Karina ***
本名 Hanna Karin Blarke Bayer。從小父母離異,被外公外婆撫養到四歲,之後都在領養家庭間奔波,八歲才回到母親身邊。Anna Karina 形容自己的童年極度渴望被愛,多次嘗試離家出走。
as a model
Anna Karina 在丹麥開始她的演藝生涯,駐唱 cabaret,也當起廣告和短片模特兒。當年17歲的她在1958年來到巴黎,遇見了 Pierre Cardin 和 Coco Chanel,後者建議她改名為 Anna Karina。
1961年到1967年,身為高達的前妻,Anna Karina 參與了高達的8部作品。扣掉1963年的槍兵和高達及其他導演在1967年的 Le Plus Vieux Metier Du Monde,高達找當時的老婆當了六次女主角,在高達創作巔峰的1960年代,Anna Karina 佔有相當重要的地位。
高達在為處女作斷了氣選女主角時,注意到當時為 Palmolive 肥皂拍攝系列廣告的 Anna Karina,Anna Karina 卻因為裸露鏡頭而拒絕演出。然而在隔年,兩人於女人就是女人拍攝期間結婚,Anna Karina 也拿下柏林銀獅最佳女主角。
are you mad!!!
關於拒絕裸露一事,高達質問她:「我看妳拍廣告洗泡泡澡洗得那麼高興,怎麼不肯為我的 masterpiece 賞光呢?」
Anna Karina 回說:「神經病!我在廣告可是全身包緊緊,你沒看到泡沫都到我脖子了嗎?衣服脫光光是你自己在幻想。」
without godard
雖然貴為 muse,Anna Karina 可沒有被高達限制住喔!1966年 Jacques Rivette 的修女傳 La Religieuse,被部分影評認為是生涯最佳演出。
1967年和威斯康堤以及馬斯楚安尼合作異鄉人 Lo Straniero,對!就是卡謬的異鄉人。1976年演出法斯賓達的中國輪盤 Chinese Roulette。
as a singer
Anna Karina 也是很會唱歌的,1967年 Serge Gainsbourg 為她寫了自己唯一的音樂劇 Anna,以及暢銷曲 Sous le soleil exactement 和 Roller Girl。2002年出了專輯 Une Historie d'Amour,由 Philippe Katerine 操刀,並舉辦巡迴演唱會。
2005年的 Chansons de films,有點像是 Anna Karina 的電影原聲帶,收錄了歷來在電影裡演唱過的曲目。
之後 Anna Karina 到好萊塢演了一些電影又回到巴黎,最近在2002年為 The Truth About Charlie 獻唱,該片乃重拍奧黛莉赫本的和卡萊葛倫的謎中謎,很遜。
Anna Karina 在高達之後又結了四次婚,其中包括斷了氣女主角 Jean Seberg 的前夫,導演 Dennis Berry。