Title: Jero - Umiyuki 海雪
Genre: Enka
Victor Entertainment
I finally found the video for this song (thanks to controlle :D) entitled "Umiyuki". This video jst proves to everyone that Jero isn't a traditional "enka" singer but also bringing elements of his style into his songs. The video isn't anything special but hope you all enjoy it. [credit:controlle.net]

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最近日本流行什麼?答案是:黑人唱演歌。黑人+演歌=ジェロ(JERO), 就是他啦, 這個小子!說到演歌, 很多人好像會覺得啊就很土又很ㄙㄨㄥˊ。不可否認的, 有一部份的歌曲和形象的確是這樣, 可是, 也有一部份正像鄧麗君唱的一樣, 既有品味又感動人。 Jero的演歌屬於後者。

   20日正式出第一張演歌專輯「海雪」的Jero出生於美國賓州, 外婆是日本人, 從小就喜歡聽日本演歌, 也喜歡哼哼唱唱的, 美空雲雀的歌他特別愛。五年前來日本才學日文, 現在竟以一身嘻哈裝扮出道唱演歌, 哈哈哈, 嘻哈裝唱演歌, 這點子真的太酷了!行銷手法真高明, 一下就抓住觀眾的眼光。

Title: Yui - Namidairo
Place: Music Station (Feb 29th 08)

Here is Yui's first performance for the song "Namidairo". I thought this was a great performance from Yui. However, as usually Yui looks like she's going to eat the mic. [credit:J-Pop.Select]

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Title: 宇多田Utada Hikaru - Stay Gold
Place: Utaban (Fev 28th 08)

Here is a another performance from Hikki but this time she is performing "Stay Gold". This was a great performance from Hikki and I loved how Utaban gave her a great stage. I hope you all enjoy this. [credit:J-Pop.Select]

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Title: 安室奈美惠Namie Amuro - What A Feelin'
Genre: Dance/Pop

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I already uploaded the 60s "New Look" and 70s "Rock Steady" and here is the 80s video "What a Feelin". Of course another great music video from Namie. I'm currently addicted to this song and I can't wait for the single to come out. In the video when person was dressed in the robot outfit and was suppose to represent the Dj I felt like I was watching Daft Punk. The single for this song will be released on March 12th. I hope you all enjoy this. [credit:doobie@jpopsuki]

Online Videos by Veoh.com

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