A very pregnant Jessica Alba is promoting her latest movie ‘The Eye’ in Europe and still takes time to blog and enjoy her cheese and ham cravings.
That’s not all, Jessica went to some fashion shows and she also saw Amy Winehouse perform so now she is tired and wants to go home to rest.Last Promo Tour for THE EYE

Hey guys, I am now in Europe promoting to "the eye." LAST TRIP!!! Went to the Lanvan show and the Rodin museum in Paris...amazing. Also saw Amy Whinehouse perform. She has such an incredible voice. She's definitely a throwback...reminiscent of Ella. I am currently getting my makeup done to go to the premiere of my movie. Can't wait to get home and rest. Every day I have eaten ham and cheese sandwiches, I cant get enough of them. Wish they had these back in the states, the bread is amazing. My tummy is getting bigger by the second and the little one must like the food too because it is moving and kicking like crazy. ITS THE BEST. Have to go but just wanted to check in. JA

[Jessica Alba’s Official MySpace, Tuesday, March 04, 2008]

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這電影我只能說是「移植」而非外編,電影橋段有95%是相同,而非雷同!當然,我不覺得原版的李心潔演得好,那Jessica Alba更是無演技可言,但電影明顯的加插盲人的生活點滴,例如倒水的時候就讓我真的有在看盲人的感覺,這是李心潔所欠缺的。「The Eye」票房不好,很大的因素是來是美國對Jessica Alba的厭惡,這位小女子一時說要為拉丁女性爭取權力,一時又否認自己是拉丁人,更甚的是表明自己並不是靠性感上位。已被很多美國謀體評擊。電影拍得不爛,聲效仍有一定驚嚇,選角卻是一個問題!FR 梳吉夫

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